暗月帝国 Imperium Opacum Lunare 初受迫雪域贪婪众神之侵 Gods from Snow invaded 平之如北族胡马乌合之众 Northern pagans crusaded 征西南暴民弑仁君之乱 While Southern starlights faded 虽战事惨烈 未杀戮乱伤 Alas! Countless Battles did hurt me 见炎凉世界而动恻隐 As I pity for the ruined world 从荐言而得魔化神力 Streams of pain demonize my soul 废初元立异元 Cast the lightnings into deserted ground 献同宗之血 儿之魂魄 Sacrifice everything of my bloodbound 今会神魔于此地歃吾枯血献暗月 I do touch the vile spirits with blood 都万峰之巅 乃葬日求魂之地 By Skylake I witness the darkened flood 号暗月 平乱世人神共处 享安泰之势 that leads to the pacific moon of peace and death 啊!!!!!! Ah! 祝吾暗月帝国 永泰永世 Gloria Imperii Opacum Lunare! 众民 从吾意愿 Thou mass! Follow me! 诸神 祝吾临威 Thou gods! Honor me! 元神归 复原悲悯之魂 As returned my soul, shines the darkest star 无心魔之乱 Nihil Lunatica 不受强势之侵 Nihil Daemomania 不!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 众民 从吾意愿 Thou mass! Obey me! 诸神 祝吾临威 Thou gods! Honor me! 尔岂不闻 Hark! 悟己之道 众生不残 Recognize yourself, fail others not 若道不复来 将坠不复深渊 Lest you may be crushed and lost 今神魔具在此 Gods and Devils, Iron and bloods 吾无惧 Cast my fear, heal my wounds 只愿 And I truely tell thee: 暗月帝国人神共处享安泰之势 Under the Darkmoon we live in peace and death 啊!!!!!! Ah! 祝吾暗月帝国 永泰永世 Gloria Imperii Opacum Lunare!