作词 : Moonspell, Ribeiro Never resist The firewalker To educate younever look back He has been sentat the great Deepthat curse he singsand never dance to Never resist The life long Pessimisthe is the leaderand not the enemy My heart completemy darkness is obsoleteplease let me follow youput to destroy you And when we meet there Into the Heartshaped abyssinto the heartshaped abyssyou'll scar my your kissyou'll forgive me everythingand when we meet thereget awayscared away Never resist the firewalkerhe has been sent to lay a curse on you Liar I am ready to push younever look back;never resist Into the Heartshaped abyss And when we meet thereyou'll scar my your kissand when we meet thereyou'll forgive me everythinginto the heartshaped abyssscared awayget awayto a place we are still beautiful Let's get away from this world Abismo portátil, em forma de coração