[00:00.000]Mexicoooooo! [00:06.076]How are you?! [00:11.289]Oh my god it's been so long. [00:12.646]We miss you guys so much. [00:13.750]How have you been? [00:17.885]You look real good. [00:19.728]So we'll have you guys know that [00:20.966]tonight the reason that we're filming this [00:23.182]is becuase this is the last performance [00:26.909]of The Black Parade... Forever!!! [00:36.583]And we wanted to come down here, [00:38.878]to Mexico, to properly kill them off. [00:45.455]This song is all about dreams, [00:49.888]It's called...“Disenchanted”.