You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last. 你现在必须离开,取走你觉得还能剩下的东西 But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast. 但是你想保存的东西你最好拼命抓住 Yonder stands your orphan with his gun, 在那边,你的孤儿持枪而立 Crying like a fire in the sun. 象烈日中的火焰一样哭泣 Look out the saints are comin' through 留心,圣人已经来到 And it's all over now, Baby Blue. 一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝 The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense. 高速公路是为赌徒准备的 最好用好你的直觉 Take what you have gathered from coincidence. 看好你从偶然中收集到的所得 The empty-handed painter from your streets 你街区中空手的画匠 Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets. 正在你的单上绘制疯狂的图案 This sky, too, is folding under you 天空也好似压迫在你的头上 And it's all over now, Baby Blue. 一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝 All your seasick sailors, they are rolling home. 你所有的晕船水手均已归家 All your empty-handed armies, are all going home. 你所有的空手士兵也已归家 The lover who just walked out your door 你的爱人步出了你的门 Has taken all his blankets from the floor. 也带走了她的所有 The carpet, too, is moving under you 地毯也好似离你而去 And it's all over now, Baby Blue. 一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝 Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you. 抛下你的踏脚石,有人在召唤你来 Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you. 忘却你的留下的遗骸,他们不会跟随你来 The vagabond who's rapping at your door 吟游者在你的门口说唱 Is standing in the clothes that you once wore. 他们穿着你曾经的衣裳 Strike another match, go start a new 开始新的征程吧 从头再来 And it's all over now, Baby Blue. 一切都结束了 忧郁宝贝