[00:29.07]This is either the first or the last house [00:35.08]This river [00:38.14]Runs through [00:39.70]And my mind is a mad house I only share [00:45.70]With you [00:51.64]Legs are dangling over [00:53.95]This old jetty here [01:00.39]And my light is [01:02.26]Supplied by [01:03.01]Nothing but the brightness [01:07.26]Of the Milestone Moon [01:08.98] [01:14.72]Ripples in the water [01:17.85]Tells me that you are near [01:20.85]And as always it's a false alarm [01:26.41]If you wait too hard [01:36.66]Not long now [01:41.03]You'll be in my arms [01:54.66]Sitting patiently [01:58.22]For your return [02:01.10]When will I learn [02:04.79]That soon [02:10.22]Time will burn [02:17.97]Wondering and pondering [02:20.47]If I've been here before [02:23.16]Or am I a new born [02:26.54]Waiting to learn more [02:32.91]I want to learn more [02:39.91]Not long now [02:44.29]You'll be in my arms [02:51.29]With nothing but the brightness [02:55.79]Of the Milestone Moon