Long time ago 很久以前 Someone sang a song about living in a world 有人唱过一首歌 Where there are no wars, no hate 梦想着生活在一个没有战争和仇恨的世界里 Just harmony and love 只有和谐与爱 Long time ago 很久以前 Someone told a story about a dream 有人讲过一个故事 Where people could live in peace 梦想着人们都生活在平静和幸福中 No matter who they are 无论他们出身高低贵贱 For thousands of years 几千年来 I have seen how man's been creating his own hell 我看着人类如何给自己创造地狱 Been wondering about the human race 我一直试图去理解人类 And the ways they brought themselves down 看他们如何自甘堕落 I've never shed a tear For the one that slowly killed himself And never looked ahead 对于那些不思进取、慢慢等死的人, 我从没有为他们留过一滴眼泪 I will come when the time is right Just to take another one 当时机成熟的时候,我就会降临 只为带走又一个堕落的人 Down with me 跟我一起堕落 There's no light 那里没有光明 And no one will ever be free 谁也别想获得自由 I'll break every dream you've ever had 我会毁掉你曾有的任何一个梦想 And make your life so, so sad 让你的生命变得如此、如此悲哀 Make your life so sad 让你的生命如此悲哀…… I call your name 我召唤着你 I tease you, I tame 我引诱你,使你驯服 I hold out my helping hand 我向你伸出双手 You're first in line 我会对你优先考虑 I'll give you the sign 我会证明给你 That's written in stone and sand 什么才是亘古不变的真理 Down with me 跟我一起堕落 There's no light 那里没有光明 And no one will ever be free 任何人都别想拥有自由 Come closer my friend 靠近点,我的朋友 And don't be afraid 不要再犹豫 I'll take care of you and your dreams 我来接管你和你的梦 Now the wise men are dead 先贤已经死了 Forget what's been said 忘了他所教育你的吧 Because nothing is what it seems 因为一切都不是你想象的那样 Down with me 跟我一起堕落 There's no light 那里没有光明 And no one will ever be free 任何人都别想拥有自由 And no one will ever be free 任何人都别想拥有自由 Long time ago Someone sang a song about living in a world Where there are no wars, no hate Just harmony and love 很久以前 有人唱过一首歌 梦想着生活在一个没有战争和仇恨的世界里 只有和谐与爱 Long time ago Someone told a story about a dream Where people could live in peace No matter who they are 很久以前 有人讲过一个故事 梦想着人们都生活在平静和幸福中 无论他们出身高低贵贱