[00:00.000] 作词 : Mike Skinner [00:01.000] 作曲 : Mike Skinner [00:06.04]C-Mone: [00:06.60] [00:07.44]Go get out of my house please [00:10.79]And actually give me back my keys [00:13.49]But I'll be proper angry [00:16.95]If you're not back later on your knees [00:20.02]C-Mone/Mike Skinner: [00:20.81]Look if I'm talking to you you shouldn't be gawping in thin air [00:24.67]You're so selfish but what about us as in pair [00:28.22]I needed you to come over man I needed you to have been there [00:31.70]I'm about to do something crazy you'll regret this I swear [00:34.93]I can't look just [00:35.44]This one time I really needed you to head over mine where [00:37.75]Just listen just listen to me [00:39.07]I was throwing up all morning it was all in my hair [00:41.37]Yeah I know you were I know [00:42.47]Then because I was so dizzy I almost fell down the stairs [00:44.52]Yeah I know look fair play man fair play [00:45.88]Like you always do you know you just don't f**king care [00:47.65]But li- listen to what I'm saying just listen [00:48.97]Go get out of my house please [00:52.20]But you're being [00:53.05]And actually give me back my keys [00:53.83]You're overreacting you just calm down [00:55.42]But I'll be proper angry [00:57.88]Are you gonna listen to what I'm saying [00:59.05]If you're not back later on your knees [01:00.32]Look just let me have my say [01:01.53]Mike Skinner: [01:01.97] [01:02.71]Look come on calm down it wasn't all totally like that [01:06.57]You're overreacting just a bit maybe we can sit down and chat [01:10.29]It's just you know I had stuff to do you know this and that [01:13.76]Maybe it wasn't so important as you being in the sack [01:17.25]But I had to sort out my pills man I needed to stock up my stash [01:20.84]I couldn't do it any other day I had to do it then quick snap [01:23.68] [01:24.28]And you didn't want me there last Sat so I left you on your jack [01:27.78]And this Saturday I thought it was the same deal [01:30.17]As last Sat at your gaff [01:30.99]C-Mone/Mike Skinner: [01:31.40]Go get out of my house please [01:33.38]Look where's this come from man [01:35.03]And actually give me back my keys [01:36.90]Just listen to what I'm saying [01:37.75]But I'll be proper angry [01:38.67]And we could just talk this out [01:40.83]But if you're gonna be like this you know [01:42.47]What do you want me what do you want me to do [01:44.40]Oi [01:44.80]Mike Skinner: [01:45.13] [01:45.66]You don't care about my broken TV [01:48.92]I sit on my sofa all day smoking w**d [01:52.49]I never phoned that bloke from the TV company [01:55.86]So please don't be like this please please please [01:59.65]Actually now I think about it what am I guilty about [02:02.86]I felt like I was in the wrong I felt like I was the lout [02:06.09]Oi this is what happened last Saturday now [02:08.16]I think I remember now [02:09.85]You were ill last Saturday and two weeks before that little bout [02:13.18]You know I need that medication for my epilepsy now [02:16.80]Or I run the risk of having a fit you know I can't go without [02:20.26]So when you being in bed is because last night you got pissed [02:23.75]It's you that's being selfish it's you that don't give a s**t [02:27.22]I'm gone I'll get out of your house [02:29.66] [02:30.19]Then I'll never be back again [02:33.56]But I'll still be seething [02:36.44]When you text me to make up and be friends [02:40.36] [02:40.97]So there you go eh [02:42.28] [02:44.01]Don't try and give me that s**t right [02:45.55] [02:47.20]'Cause d'you know what I mean [02:47.95]You're not exactly f**kin' you know [02:50.17] [02:51.20]What d'you know what I mean [02:52.04] [02:54.45]It don't really matter anymore [02:55.22]D'you know what I mean [02:56.05]It's hard enough remembering my opinions [02:57.44]Without remembering my reasons for 'em [02:58.62] [03:00.27]You're confusing me now [03:00.98] [03:01.71]I'm not gonna give you an example [03:03.12]I can't remember an example [03:04.04] [03:05.20]You do it all the time you know that thing that you do [03:07.16] [03:07.81]I can't remember when you last did it can I [03:09.29] [03:11.20]Nah I'm gone anyway [03:11.68] [03:12.88]I'm never gonna darken your towels again I tell you that [03:15.33] [03:16.05]And that thing about femme fatale yeah [03:17.18] [03:17.97]She's fit and she's fitter than you anyway [03:19.87] [03:21.75]I like her d'you know what I mean [03:22.82]I'm never gonna meet her [03:23.55] [03:24.78]So where do you get this jealous [03:25.71]Well I like her you know [03:26.66] [03:49.09]You can turn that off