作曲 : The Tiger Lillies 作词 : The Tiger Lillies It almost makes me cry to tell 这个故事都要让我落泪了 What foolish Harriet befell. 小Harriet干了一件傻事 Mamma and Nurse went out one day 那天妈妈和保姆外出了 And left her all alone at play. 留下她独自玩耍 Now, on the table close at hand, 这时候,桌子上触手可及的地方 A box of matches chanced to stand; 很巧,有盒火柴 And kind Mamma and Nurse had told her, 善良的妈妈和保姆都嘱咐过她 That, if she touched them, they would scold her. 如果她碰了它们会挨骂的 But Harriet said: "Oh, what a pity! 但小Harriet觉得,那太遗憾了 For, when they burn, it is so pretty; 火柴烧起来的时候一定很美 They crackle so, and spit, and flame: 它们噼啪作响,慢慢烧起来,发出火光 Mamma, too, often does the same." 妈妈也常这样做啊 The pussy-cats heard this, 小猫听到了 And they began to hiss, 它们开始不安起来 And stretch their claws, 伸伸它们的爪子 And raise their paws; 举起猫掌 "Me-ow," they said, "me-ow, me-o, You'll burn to death, if you do so." “喵~”它们说,“喵~烧死你哦,小鬼” But Harriet would not take advice: 但Harriet根本不听 She lit a match, it was so nice! 她点燃了一根火柴,真美啊! It crackled so, it burned so clear— 火柴噼啪燃烧着,烧的干干净净 Exactly like the picture here. 就像画片里的一样 She jumped for joy and ran about 她高兴得上蹿下跳 And was too pleased to put it out. 高兴得不舍得把火柴熄灭 The Pussy-cats saw this 小猫看到了 And said: "Oh, naughty, naughty Miss!" 它们说,哎呀,淘气的小姑娘 And stretched their claws, 它们舒展爪子 And raised their paws: 举起猫掌 "'Tis very, very wrong, you know, 你要知道你犯了大错哦, Me-ow, me-o, me-ow, me-o, 喵~喵~ You will be burnt, if you do so." 再这样玩真的会被烧死哦 And see! oh, what dreadful thing! 看啊!哎,恐怖的事情发生了! The fire has caught her apron-string; 火苗爬上了她的围裙带 Her apron burns, her arms, her hair— 她的围裙烧着了,她的胳膊,她的头发— She burns all over everywhere. 她全身都烧着了 Then how the pussy-cats did mew— 那么,喵,那些小猫该怎么办 What else, poor pussies, could they do? 可怜的小猫们还能怎么办呢? They screamed for help, 'twas all in vain! 他们徒劳地尖叫着呼救 So then they said: "We'll scream again; 他们说,我们再试一次吧 Make haste, make haste, me-ow, me-o, 快点,快点,喵~ She'll burn to death; we told her so." 她会烧死的,我们告诉过她 So she was burnt, with all her clothes, 她就这样烧着了,她的衣服 And arms, and hands, and eyes, and nose; 她的胳膊,她的小手,眼睛,鼻子,都烧着了 Till she had nothing more to lose 直到她再没有什么可烧的了 Except her little scarlet shoes; 除了她的那双猩红色的小鞋 And nothing else but these was found 再没什么了 Among her ashes on the ground. 就连她的小鞋都是在她烧成的那堆灰里发现的呢 And when the good cats sat beside 当那些善良的小猫坐在 The smoking ashes, how they cried! 那堆还冒着烟的焦灰后面的时候,它们哭的多伤心啊 "Me-ow, me-oo, me-ow, me-oo, 喵~喵~ What will Mamma and Nursey do?" 妈妈和保姆该怎么办啊? Their tears ran down their cheeks so fast, 它们泪如涌泉 They made a little pond at last. 眼泪落下来汇成了一汪小水潭