Regrets collect like old friends 悔恨如故友般再次聚集 here to relive your darkest moments 又一次经历最灰暗的时刻 I can see no way, I can see no way. 无路可逃 无处可躲 And all of the ghouls come out to play 所有鬼魅倾巢而出 Then every demon wants his pound of flesh 恶魔渴望著啖食血肉 but I like to keep some things to myself 但我还是想独自拥有秘密 I like to keep my issues strong 想要坚定我自己的意志 It's always darkest before the dawn. 在黎明到来之际黑夜依旧 And I've been a fool and I've been blind 而我是个傻瓜,似个盲目者 I can never leave the past behind 无法将过去种种释怀 I can see no way, I can see no way 无路可逃 无处可躲 I'm always dragging that horse around 心志还徘徊著无法断绝 All of these questions, such a mournful sound 所有的问题都像一句悲鸣 Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground 今夜我将埋葬心中的曾经 'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn 因为我想要坚定著自己的意志 It's always darkest before the strong. 在破晓之前黑夜仍在 Shake it out, shake it out 甩下负担 抛下重任 Shake it out, shake it out uh-oh 尽情摆动 释放灵魂 Shake it out, shake it out 甩下负担 抛下重任 Shake it out, shake it out uh-oh 尽情摆动 释放灵魂 And it's hard to dance with the devil on your back 当撒旦站在身後却艰苦的跳著 so shake him off uh-oh 那就愤然而起挣脱它吧 And I am done with my graceless heart 结束邪念 so tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart 所以今晚我将去除它再重新出发 'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn 因为我想要坚定著自己的意志 It's always darkest before the strong. 在天明之际黑夜流窜 Shake it out, shake it out 甩下负担 抛下重任 Shake it out, shake it out uh-oh 尽情摆动 释放灵魂 Shake it out, shake it out 甩下负担 抛下重任 Shake it out, shake it out uh-oh 尽情摆动 释放灵魂 And it's hard to dance with the devil on your back 当撒旦站在身後却艰苦的跳著 so shake him off uh-oh 那就愤然而起挣脱它吧 And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back (Shake him out) 当撒旦站在身後却艰苦的跳著(摆脱它吧) And given half the chance 即使被赋予渺茫的机会 would I take any of it back (Shake it out) 我还会挽回一丝一毫吗(挣脱它吧) It's a final mess but it's left me so empty (Shake it out) 这是最终的困境但它却使我心灵空洞(释放灵魂吧) It's always darkest before the dawn 晨明之前黑夜尚在 uh-oh, uh-oh And I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't 诅咒禁锢如果我解开心中疑惑入了地狱假使我没做 So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road 所以在暗夜中引杯觞我一壶酒作为我尽头的路 And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope 我已做好受难与盼望的准备 It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat 在黑暗里是一个契机正中我的心扉 Cause looking for heaven, for the devil in me 我正寻求天堂因为心魔伫入 Looking for heaven, for the devil in me 我正寻求天堂因为心魔伫入 Well what the hell, I'm gonna let it happen to me 但那又如何 我仍会让它发生在我身上 *Shake it out, shake it out, 甩下负担 抛下重任 shake it out, shake it out uh-oh 尽情摆动 释放灵魂 Shake it out, shake it out, 甩下负担 抛下重任 shake it out, shake it out uh-oh 尽情摆动 释放灵魂 And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back 当撒旦站在身後却艰苦的跳著 So shake him out uh-oh 那就愤然而起挣脱它吧 * *x2