作词 : MISS BLACK TIGER 作曲 : MISS BLACK TIGER 编曲:Roman RSK 混音:ParaT @SpongeMob852 封面设计:JayCee, MISS BLACK TIGER 满瓶不动半瓶摇 沉不住气做不了大事 loser (失败者) I cut u outta my life (我不会让你靠近) Heard your song (听了你的歌) I aint feelin **** (难听) Think u swag lemme tell u (你觉得自己很有东西我告诉你吧) Only a little bit (只有一点点) I give u ten years (就算给你十年) Can u write a hit (你能火一首歌吗?) The only thing u could master (你唯一擅长的事就是) Is how to quit (放弃) Heard your song (聽左你嘅歌) I aint feelin **** (真係冇feel) Think u swag lemme tell u (覺得自己好型) Only a little bit (淨係小小啫) Now u offering me a position (给我工作) Wearing a white collar (当个白领) but I got no time for dat **** (但我没空做) Im an artist I live my life (作为艺术家我活出自己的人生) I aint no slave (不是奴隶) I aint no worker (不是工人) I am a barbie that is alive (我是活人芭比) My time is my beauty (因为年轻所以美丽) My time is my treasure (青春如同宝藏) If u love me then prove it in front my face (如果你说你爱我 那你要证明给我看) If u can’t get the **** off my way (证明不了就别bb了) All I want is love and to live once (追求爱并活出自我) and I do it whatever it takes (为此我不顾一切) I heard true love died in ‘96 (传说真爱在1996年就消亡了) We call ***ual mates friends (炮友现在我们称作朋友) Jokes aint jokes and truths aint truths (玩笑不止玩笑这么简单 事实也并非真是事实) Jokes are truths to what extents (多少玩笑其实是事实呢) Dont ask me (别问我) U won't agree (因为你不会认可我说的话) Who will agree to a loser (没人愿意相信失败者说的话) 如果合作只是为了蹭热度 那千万别来找我loser