Romulus - Sufjan Stevens She had a voice of last year's cough when our mother calledOnce We passed around the phone Sharing a word without growing up When my turn came I was ashamed When my turn came I was ashamed Once when we moved away She came to Romulus for a day Her Chevrolet broke down We prayed it never be fixed or be found We touched her hair We touched her hair We touched her hair We touched her hair When she had her last child Once when she had some boyfriend somewhile She moved away quite far Our Grampa bought us a new VCR We watched it all night We grew up in spite of it We watched it all night We grew up in spite of it We saw her once last fall Our Grampa died in a hospital gown She didn't seem to care She smoked in her room and coloured her hair I was ashamed I was ashamed of her I was ashamed I was ashamed of her I was ashamed Of her