[ti:01] [00:00.850]The Scroll Marked One habits [00:03.400]Today I begin a new life. [00:05.631]Today I shed my old skin, [00:07.744]which has too long suffered [00:09.464]the pains of failure. [00:11.457]Today I am born anew. [00:14.56]The road I have chosen [00:15.787]is laden with opportunity, [00:16.768]yet it is fraught with [00:19.526]heartbreak and despair. [00:21.262]The bodies of those who have failed are countless. [00:24.600]But I will not fail. [00:26.300]Failure won ’t be my payment for struggle anymore. [00:29.784]I am prepared for wisdom and principles, [00:33.56]which will guide me out of the shadows [00:35.587]into the sunlight of success. [00:38.11]In truth,the only difference between [00:40.697]those who have failed and [00:42.807]those who have succeeded [00:44.651]is the difference of their habits. [00:47.71]Good habits are the key to all success. [00:50.403]Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. [00:53.942]Thus, [00:54.690]the first law I will obey, [00:56.687]which precede all the others is [00:59.55]I will form good habits and become their slayer [01:03.487]My bad habits must be destroyed. [01:06.633]And how will I accomplish this difficult feat? [01:09.407]Through these scrolls, [01:12.304]it will be done. [01:13.555]For each scroll contains a principle [01:15.715]which will drive a bad habit from my life [01:18.806]and replace it with a good habit. [01:21.742]Only a habit can conquer another habit. [01:24.326]So in order for these written words [01:26.770]to perform their chosen task [01:29.386]I must discipline myself with the first of [01:32.582]my new habits which is as follows [01:35.625]I will read each scroll for thirty days, [01:38.646]before I proceed to the next scroll. [01:40.991]I will read the words aloud when I arise. [01:45.06]Then,I will read the words again after [01:47.790]I have my midday meal. [01:49.966]Last,I will read the words again [01:52.706]just before I retire at day's end. [01:55.838]And most importantly, [01:57.90]on these occasions [01:58.194]I will take all these principle seriously [02:01.78]and read it as resolutely as I can [02:05.216]On the next day I will repeat this procedure, [02:08.931]and I will continue in like manner for thirty days [02:12.661]Then I will turn to the next scroll. [02:15.657]I must live with each scroll for thirty days [02:18.229]and my reading has become habit. [02:21.73]As I repeat the words daily [02:23.149]they will soon become a part of my mind [02:26.17]and make me act like what I repeat everyday. [02:30.56]As the words of these scrolls [02:32.145]are consumed by my mysterious mind, [02:33.822]I will begin to awake with a vitality [02:36.334]I have never known before. [02:39.133]My vigor will increase, [02:41.91]my enthusiasm will rise, [02:43.333]and my desire to meet the world will overcome every fear. [02:47.817]I begin a new life ! [02:50.102]And I make a solemn oath to myself [02:52.334]that nothing will stop my new life's growth. [02:56.509]I will lose not a day from these readings. [02:59.270]I must not,I will not, [03:01.413]break this habit of daily reading from these scrolls. [03:05.65]The few moments spent each day [03:07.565]on this new habit are valuable. [03:09.226]It ’s a small price to pay for [03:12.53]the happiness and success that will be mine. [03:15.57]Today my old skin has become dust. [03:17.669]I will walk tall among men [03:20.11]and they will know me not, [03:21.925]for today I am a new man, [03:23.707]with a new life.