[00:00.000] 作曲 : Joe Iconis [00:02.416][SQUIP, spoken] It's okay, Jeremy [00:01.894]I anticipated her resistance [00:04.428][JEREMY, spoken] No! I have to destroy that beaker [00:07.615]Where's the beaker? [00:08.268][SQUIP, spoken] I anticipated your resistance too, Jeremy [00:11.637]So I took the decision out of your hands [00:16.653][BROOKE, spoken] What angel wakes me from my flowery bed [00:20.780][MR. REYES, spoken] Some potion, m' lady! [00:22.844][BROOKE, spoken] Thanks- [00:24.307]Ow! [00:26.397][BROOKE, spoken] I warned thee gentle mortal [00:28.826]It's time to feed again! [00:31.099](laughing) [00:34.834][JEREMY, spoken] You're going to SQUIP the whole cast! [00:36.375][SQUIP, spoken] And that's just for starters [00:37.786]Soon, I won't just be in your brain [00:40.477]I'll be in everyone's! [00:42.514][JEREMY, spoken] Not if I can stop you! [00:43.794]Mr. Reyes? You can't let anyone else drink from that beaker [00:46.276][MR. REYES, spoken] Don't be silly! It's more than safe [00:48.235]I should know, I tried it myself [00:50.586][SQUIP, spoken] Up up down down left right A [00:51.997][JEREMY & MR. REYES] Ow! [00:53.355][JEREMY, spoken] Mr. Reyes? [00:54.191][MR. REYES, spoken]You needy, pathetic [00:55.758]Self-centered students! [00:57.430]You think I wanted to teach high school drama? [01:00.147]In New Jersey? [01:02.916][JEREMY, spoken] What did you do to him? [01:03.908][SQUIP] I synced his desires to your own [01:06.468]I now realize my operating system will only be complete [01:10.831]When everyone shares a social network [01:14.540][JEREMY, spoken] You're a computer! There has to be some way to turn you off [01:17.205][SQUIP, spoken] I'd stop there [01:18.955]Rich tried to fight back [01:20.209]And look what happened to him [01:21.567][RICH, spoken] I need Mountain Dew Red [01:26.844][JEREMY, spoken] That's it! [01:27.602]Green mountain dew activates you, red shuts you off! [01:30.606][SQUIP, spoken] Why do you think we had it discontinued? [01:33.113]To get rid of me now you'd need a time machine to the 1990's [01:36.588][JEREMY, spoken] Or a friend who's so old school [01:38.573]He buys 90s soft drinks from the back room at Spencer's Gifts! [01:41.708][SQUIP, spoken] Jeremy! [01:42.256]I'm going to improve your life [01:44.947]If I have to take over the entire human race to do it! [01:49.100][MICHAEL] Michael makes an entrance! [01:53.698][JEREMY, spoken] Michael! [01:54.952]You came to see me in the play? [01:56.989][MICHAEL, spoken] Even brought my own refreshments [02:03.180][JEREMY, spoken] Is that- [02:04.016][MICHAEL, spoken] Mountain Dew Red! [02:04.957]Told you I did my research [02:07.099][JEREMY, spoken] That's amazing! Give it to me! [02:08.771][MICHAEL, spoken] Okay! Wait, no [02:11.383][SQUIP, spoken] Kung Fu fists activate [02:16.294][JEREMY, spoken] This is so- [02:16.947]Y-y-y-y-you love to feel superior and don't care about being popular [02:21.597][MICHAEL, spoken] Of course I care! [02:23.112]I just know it's never gonna happen [02:27.840][JEREMY, spoken] What? You resent me because I wouldn't g-g-g-give up like you did? [02:31.131][MICHAEL, spoken] I don't resent you! [02:32.464]I'm jealous you tried! [02:33.979][JEREMY, spoken] Well, I'm j-j-jealous you don't! [02:40.065][MICHAEL, spoken] Why are you hitting me? [02:41.188][JEREMY, spoken] It's not me--it's [02:43.409]My- Squip- [02:45.028][MICHAEL, spoken] Jake! [02:45.734]Uhh, this is gonna sound super weird [02:47.562]But if I hold down Jeremy [02:49.077]Can you make him drink this Mountain Dew Red? [02:52.447][JAKE, spoken] That doesn't sound weird at all [02:53.806][SQUIP, spoken] Up up down down left right A [02:55.347][JAKE & JEREMY] Ow! [02:57.750](screaming) [03:02.374][SQUIP, spoken] Oh, Jeremy [03:03.419]Look what you're making me make him do! [03:05.665][JAKE] I'm living the upgrade [03:07.024]Upgrade [03:07.729]God I love me [03:10.864][CHLOE & BROOKE] (vocalizing) [03:15.357]There you are, Jeremy [03:17.655][BROOKE, spoken] We just want you to know we're not mad anymore [03:21.104][CHLOE, spoken] I just wanted to feel liked [03:23.742][BROOKE, spoken] And I just wanted to feel seen [03:26.119][CHLOE, spoken] But, I see you! [03:27.634][BROOKE, spoken] And I like you! [03:29.541][BOTH] Oh my god, why was I so jealous of you? [03:32.467]You were jealous of me? [03:34.060]That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me [03:36.202]Sisters forever! Jinx! [03:39.912][JEREMY, spoken] Michael, the bottle! [03:41.505]There's a few drops left [03:43.020][MICHAEL, spoken] How are we supposed to get to it? [03:44.640][JEREMY, spoken] Apocalypse of the Damned! [03:46.704]Level nine [03:47.984][JEREMY & MICHAEL] The Cafetorium [03:50.465]Find the bad guy, push 'em aside [03:52.660]Then move on forward with a friend at your side [03:55.063]It's a two-player game so when they make an attack [03:57.440]You know you got a brother, gonna have your back [04:00.313][MICHAEL, spoken] Got it! [04:01.489][JENNA ROLAN, spoken] I just wanted to be part of a group! [04:03.971]Now, I finally am! [04:06.531]And I won't let you take that away [04:08.751][SQUIP, spoken] You don't wanna drink that, Jeremy! [04:10.423][JEREMY, spoken] Why not? [04:11.102][SQUIP, spoken] Because if you drink it [04:12.826]Then you'll never be with her [04:20.323][CHRISTINE, spoken] Jeremy? [04:21.864][JEREMY, spoken] Christine? [04:23.327][CHRISTINE] You are the person I want to be with every day [04:29.832]And this is something that I've been afraid to say [04:36.023]You're the guy I am so kinda into [04:41.221]The guy that I am totally into [04:45.949]This feeling is new [04:49.998]Jeremy [04:55.197]Jeremy [05:00.552]Jeremy, I love you [05:10.008][SQUIP, spoken] You've waited so long to hear Christine say those words [05:14.501]How can you possibly drink that last drop? [05:18.289][JEREMY, spoken] That's not Christine! [05:20.457]And I am stronger than you think I am [05:24.349]Drink this [05:25.342][SQUIP, spoken] No! [05:25.838]Jeremy, think about what you are sacrificing! [05:29.051][JEREMY, spoken] How do you feel? [05:31.350][CHRISTINE, spoken] I feel... [05:33.440]Ow! [05:34.302][JEREMY, spoken] Oh god [05:35.138][JAKE, CHLOE & BROOKE] Ow! [05:35.843][JEREMY, spoken] Oh god [05:36.601][ALL] Ow! [05:37.280][MICHAEL, spoken] Oh god! [05:38.220][JEREMY, spoken]What did I do? [05:39.265][MICHAEL, spoken] You just deactivated the SQUIPs! [05:41.224](screaming) [05:46.997][SQUIP] Watashi wa nihon kara kimashita