[00:00.000] 作词 : 苏少安 [00:00.219] 作曲 : 为什么全世界都叫我嫂嫂 [00:00.439]作编曲:为什么全世界都叫我嫂嫂 [00:00.692]作词:苏少安 [00:00.937]演唱:Meandi鸦缺 [00:00.937]旁白:蓁蓁 [00:01.192]混音:千纸没有鹤 [00:01.192]海报:果核core [00:01.437]画师:阳光光 [00:01.437]PV:小藕花儿 [00:02.435]蓁蓁:"A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen . [00:10.435]They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born." [00:17.422]The cloud lost her eyes [00:20.685]云朵弄丢了自己的眼睛 [00:21.673]Stole a star from candies [00:24.680]从糖果中偷了颗星星来代替 [00:25.679]The moon is actually a horse [00:28.442]月亮其实是一匹巨马 [00:29.683]Crashed into the fudge [00:32.934]起飞的时候撞碎了梦呓 [00:34.187]The shining witch's robe [00:36.428]你瞧巫女的长袍一闪一闪 [00:38.691]Has loud volcanic ash [00:41.677]挂着噼里啪啦响的火山灰 [00:42.431]The lying dragon on the furnace [00:46.192]老龙盘踞在熔炉呼呼大睡 [00:46.691]Fish on the hot glacier [00:50.675]鱼群游曳在沸腾滚烫的冰川 [00:52.427]La...la… [00:56.688]啦…啦… [00:58.175]La la la [01:00.925]啦 啦 啦 [01:02.680]The sun with yolk and molasses [01:05.675]夹心太阳灌满蛋黄和蜜糖 [01:05.930]Roses cover the galaxy [01:09.181]玫瑰绽开覆盖整个银河 [01:11.432]Add some magma and fantasy [01:13.941]再加些岩浆和幻想作配色调味料 [01:14.683]Then get ginger drunk with a sip [01:20.675]舔一口就把生姜先生灌醉了 [01:21.427]Come and have a good dream [01:25.680]那就来做个好梦吧 [01:27.676]蓁蓁:"The Prince went to the hedge and held up his sword. [01:32.423]He went to strike at the hedge, but where his sword met the thorns, great roses bloomed instead. [01:42.178]A path opened for him, for the one hundred years were up. The curse was lifting." [01:52.173]The world with grace [01:55.180]我想这个世界足够仁慈包容 [01:56.432]Can be crazy and daydreaming [01:59.927]可以疯狂也可以白日做梦 [02:00.924]No absurd and no lies [02:04.177]从此不再有荒诞和谎话 [02:04.931]Everything comes true [02:08.682]梦中一切都会是贴切而真实 [02:08.926]The burning rabbit's ears [02:12.430]你瞧兔子的耳朵燃成烟花 [02:13.428]Have many cute elves [02:17.423]掉落许多可爱的小精灵 [02:17.922]A lying girl besides the furnace [02:21.174]有个女孩躺在熔炉边酣睡 [02:21.674]All things in the free dream [02:25.679]万物都存在于这自由生长的梦境 [02:26.179]Don't blame this hard world [02:29.174]浑浑一眼人间 [02:30.426]Come and sleep well [02:33.180]不如一觉好眠 [02:34.932]Come and sleep well [02:38.172]不如一觉好眠 [02:40.680]蓁蓁:"'She is so lovely,'he said, He had fallen completely in love with her. [02:48.933]'How can I wake her?' [02:52.672]He leant over and gently kissed her." [02:53.672]本歌曲禁止一切二次改动,伴奏仅供翻唱。