作词 : Lee A/DrShine/SHOUTØUT MUSIC 作曲 : Lee A/DrShine/SHOUTØUT MUSIC 和声编写:壹其-1K 混音:夏呈青 封面:Freek SHOUTØUT: im thinking all the night (漫漫长夜难眠) just want to clean up all my mind (把思绪都放空) Can’t sleep all the night (整夜辗转反侧) just thinking about what u told me last time (念念不忘你的声音) im flying all the night (想在夜空中翱翔) 跟着你直到太空站 im waiting all the night x2 (我蓄势待发) just thinking about him think about xue (脑中想着些轻松愉快的事) just think about me think about **** x2 (同时也想着些犯过的傻事) LeeA ver1: im thinking all night(思考了整夜) 怎样能超出节拍 夜宵几点才能开台 转了几场路上骑着摩拜 晚上无人理睬 积目上比谁划得更快 工作室里尝试了new type(新的标签)每次到了晚上反而节奏会更快 冠军的title(头衔)像夜猫的idol(偶像)夜里跳tango(探戈舞) 他们舞步soso(一般般)身穿黑polo(有领衫)抓一个油头 can u feel my hit can u feel my lit (让你感受我的动感魅力) I need a model i Ill take her on motor (给我一位名模,让她坐上我的座驾) 速度到最快带她上秋名山漫游 删掉了ex hoe (绿茶婊)拉满了max **** (能量) 上街被搭讪我对她说nono(不好意思) SHOUTØUT: im thinking all the night (漫漫长夜难眠) just want to clean up all my mind (把思绪都放空) Can’t sleep all the night (整夜辗转反侧) just thinking about what u told me last time (念念不忘你的声音) im flying all the night (想在夜空中翱翔) 跟着你直到太空站 im waiting all the night x2 (我蓄势待发) just thinking about him think about xue (脑中想着些轻松愉快的事) just think about me think about **** x2 (同时也想着些犯过的傻事) DrShine ver2: just think about me think about **** (想想自己,想想过去做的蠢事) 凌晨扎车上路见到环卫阿姨 say hi(打招呼)露出钻石牙齿 感觉似lilyachty(小船) 一脚油bong!(踩油门)快过Super Mario(超级玛丽) 风吹到头发 灿灿 摞只手 压压 跟住影张自拍 发发 又打开 探探 约bonny(班尼)出黎吃宵夜马上应承 繁华都市嘅后生仔习惯夜倾情 食嗰深夜寿司 减肥拒绝油烟 recognize real shout out music(最真实的【是好音乐】)最鬼牛b 哒啦 哒啦 偶尔通宵唔算 完全过分 是好音乐 muther fuxker 全员恶人 SHOUTØUT: im thinking all the night (漫漫长夜难眠) just want to clean up all my mind (把思绪都放空) Can’t sleep all the night (整夜辗转反侧) just thinking about what u told me last time (念念不忘你的声音) im flying all the night (想在夜空中翱翔) 跟着你直到太空站 im waiting all the night x2 (我蓄势待发) just thinking about him think about xue (脑中想着些轻松愉快的事) just think about me think about **** x2 (同时也想着些犯过的傻事) ——SHOUTØUT——