[00:00.000] 作词 : noisybox [00:01.000] 作曲 : noisybox/YOUNG KILL [00:23.947]i feel so lonely [00:24.945]我终于感受到了 [00:25.445]just like you told me [00:26.699]你告诉我的孤单跟无助感 [00:26.941]although my voice run out to next city [00:29.195]尽管我的声音正传到世界各地 [00:29.694]i got the real money [00:30.946]我真的赚到了 [00:31.192]it let me feel so cheap [00:32.701]也真的觉得那并不重要 [00:32.701]there have nobody realy give hope to kids [00:35.696]根本没有人尝试去带来希望 [00:35.696]i cant to do it [00:38.193]我也没有 [00:38.446]i cant doing nothin [00:41.200]我无能为力 [00:41.442]now i hear the noisy [00:43.950]此刻我陷进了噪音 [00:44.195]that i losing [00:45.447]困住我的噪音 [00:45.947]yeah iam losin.. [00:47.446]我正身处于... [00:47.944]静音了手机 我静音了耳朵 [00:50.697]我的心情在叮铃声里差了更多 [00:53.693]在喧闹中沉默 我正在沉没 [00:56.200]这世界这么吵要我怎么才能振作 [00:59.449]我每天都在试着挣脱 试着去回到生活 [01:02.945]试着保持炙热 是的 他们都在恨我 [01:05.951]是这世界充斥嫉恨 充斥着气愤 [01:08.692]充斥着垃圾般的酸民 总是在议论 [01:11.699]我讨厌他们讨厌一切旁观者的指点 [01:14.696]ay 我睁开双眼拼命追赶流逝着的时间 [01:17.691]ay 我紧握拳头发誓要由量变引发质变 [01:20.697]ay ay 决不食言 我决不食言 [01:23.192]像一只豹子紧盯着目标我决不放弃 [01:26.201]等伤口愈合之后转头就把他给忘记 [01:29.450]不管撞几次南墙也绝不会垂头丧气 [01:32.191]我就是我的上帝 [01:33.942]bu sometime but sometime [01:35.952]i feel so lonely [01:37.194]我终于感受到了 [01:37.448]just like you told me [01:38.693]你告诉我的孤单跟无助感 [01:38.946]although my voice run out to next city [01:41.442]尽管我的声音正传到世界各地 [01:41.699]i got the real money [01:42.940]我真的赚到了 [01:43.197]it let me feel so cheap [01:44.450]也真的觉得那并不重要 [01:44.695]there have nobody realy give hope to kids [01:47.690]根本没有人尝试去带来希望 [01:47.943]i cant to do it [01:50.198]我也没有 [01:50.198]i cant doing nothin [01:53.447]我无能为力 [01:53.447]now i hear the noisy [01:56.200]此刻我陷进了噪音 [01:56.200]that i losing [01:57.698]困住我的噪音 [01:57.940]yeah iam losin.. [01:59.195]我正身处于... [01:59.950]失去了光亮 我失去了方向 [02:02.445]失去了妄想我四处张望 [02:05.950]仅剩的荒唐 让我显得沧桑 [02:08.400]把我变得肮脏 变得愈加踉踉跄跄 [02:11.847]我受够了质疑但却没有办法证明 [02:14.853]头顶笼罩着 阴影 它使我没法清醒 [02:17.849]从傍晚直到黎明我只能够望向星星 [02:21.100]i dont wanna hear your talk B [02:23.596]but the noisy around me [02:25.348]我没法逃离没法逃避每个朝夕每条消息 [02:28.343]let them killin me [02:30.597]im losing in [02:35.798]能寻求的帮助大多不值一提 [02:38.547]我可以处理的信息大多没有意义 [02:41.300]但当我迫切地想了解关于它的秘密 [02:44.050]躲在耳朵里的噪音又再次让我没了力气 [02:47.790]i feel so lonely [02:49.043]我终于感受到了 [02:49.300]just like you told me [02:50.540]你告诉我的孤单跟无助感 [02:50.799]although my voice run out to next city [02:53.294]尽管我的声音正传到世界各地 [02:53.547]i got the real money [02:54.792]我真的赚到了 [02:55.045]it let me feel so cheap [02:56.543]也真的觉得那并不重要 [02:56.543]there have nobody realy give hope to kids [03:00.050]根本没有人尝试去带来希望 [03:00.050]i cant to do it [03:02.291]我也没有 [03:02.548]i cant doing nothin [03:05.797]我无能为力 [03:06.051]now i hear the noisy [03:08.049]此刻我陷进了噪音 [03:08.049]that i losing [03:09.545]困住我的噪音 [03:09.792]yeah iam losin.. [03:12.042]我正身处于...