作词 : M.B.T.没备胎 作曲 : M.B.T.没备胎 编曲: 무료비트 混音: MISS BLACK TIGER 封面设计: MISS BLACK TIGER Yes? (嗯?) MISS BLACK TIGER (这里是MISS BLACK TIGER) Are you lost in neon light cities (你是否迷失于城市的糜烂) All the colors dark (夜幕降临) Covered in fantasy (华灯初上) Are you in love with your anxiety (你焦虑 却也沉醉于这样的感觉) How you wait for him and how time flees (你苦苦等着他 却也沉醉于让时间这样流逝) I held it so tight that I dropped it (紧紧握住的 最终因为握得太紧而失去了) He held me so tight (他如此得抱紧我) He wants everything (他渴望拥有一切) He held me so tight that I saw it’s hollow inside (他抱得太紧 以至于让我看到了他肉体后空洞的内心) Beautiful and icy (美丽又冷艳) Blind your eyes (他的光芒太过耀眼使人盲目) Everybody (所有人无一例外得被吸引) The Chemical is burning (体内发生化学反应) It shuts you down (这使你晕了头) Admit it (你承认吧) Talk so fast (自来熟聊得火热) He can’t find me (但他不会找得到我) Raging flame (熊熊燃烧的烈火啊) Now there’s nothing (现在却什么也不剩了) Who wears his heart on his sleeves (如今还有谁能坦诚相待呢) It shuts you down (你已失望透顶) Admit it (承认吧) Clam down and get crazy (理智地疯狂) And put your mask down (卸下心中的防备) Get groomed and get fancy (涂脂抹粉) We have more than fun (寻找单纯的快乐) I don’t need no alcohol to turn me on (兴奋不需酒精的协助) But I still get drunk when (可我仍旧被麻痹) the ignorant shout ‘I ain’t wrong’ (当无理之人振振有辞) I ain’t wrong (井底之蛙以为拥有着整片天空 面对他人的指点 大声反驳着“我没错”) When the ignorant shout ‘I ain’t wrong’ (当无理之人振振有辞) I ain’t wrong (井底之蛙以为拥有着整片天空 面对他人的指点 大声反驳着“我没错”) When the ignorant shout ‘I ain’t wrong’ (当无理之人振振有辞) I ain’t wrong (井底之蛙以为拥有着整片天空 面对他人的指点 大声反驳着“我没错”) I held it so tight that I dropped it (紧紧握住的 最终因为握得太紧而失去了) He held me so tight (他如此得抱紧我) He wants everything (他渴望拥有一切) He held me so tight that I saw it’s hollow inside (他抱得太紧 以至于让我看到了他肉体后空洞的内心) Beautiful and icy (美丽又冷艳) Blind your eyes (他的光芒太过耀眼使人盲目) Everybody (所有人无一例外得被吸引) The Chemical is burning (体内发生化学反应) It shuts you down (这使你晕了头) Admit it (你承认吧) Talk so fast (自来熟聊得火热) He can’t find me (但他不会找得到我) Raging flame (熊熊燃烧的烈火啊) Now there’s nothing (现在却什么也不剩了) Who wears his heart on his sleeves (如今还有谁能坦诚相待呢) It shuts you down (你已失望透顶) Admit it (承认吧) Clam down and get crazy (理智地疯狂) And put your mask down (卸下心中的防备) Get groomed and get fancy (涂脂抹粉) We have more than fun (寻找单纯的快乐) I don’t need no alcohol to turn me on (兴奋不需酒精的协助) But I still get drunk when (可我仍旧被麻痹) the ignorant shout ‘I ain’t wrong’ (当无理之人振振有辞) I ain’t wrong (井底之蛙以为拥有着整片天空 面对他人的指点 大声反驳着“我没错”) When the ignorant shout ‘I ain’t wrong’ (当无理之人振振有辞) I ain’t wrong (井底之蛙以为拥有着整片天空 面对他人的指点 大声反驳着“我没错”) When the ignorant shout ‘I ain’t wrong’ (当无理之人振振有辞) I ain’t wrong (井底之蛙以为拥有着整片天空 面对他人的指点 大声反驳着“我没错”) Are you lost in red and green traffic lights (是否沉醉于城市灯红酒绿与快餐式的生活) Always hasten on (马不停蹄) When the guiding stars are out of sights (空中也没有指明星) Are you in love with endless quarrels and fights (唇枪舌战 没有尽头 你是否乐在其中) But you don’t need to justify (不必辩解 不必大叫“我没错”) Cuz nobody cares if you are right (因为根本没人在乎你是否没错)