[00:02.103]Q: How do you feel about the fact that, already, Oasis have attracted a reputation for being... [00:05.525]er, rock'n'roll animals? [00:09.208]Liam: I'm into it, me. [00:10.384]I'm into it [00:11.220]but at the end of the day, like he says [00:14.694]I go home and get a clip off me mam. [00:17.228]Know what I mean, and I do. [00:18.534]She clips me 'round the head and goes, [00:20.388]"What are you like, you little tinker?". [00:21.512]Q: Did you get a clip after Amsterdam? [00:23.105]Liam: Oh yeah, I get it all the time. [00:24.281]You know what I mean, she looks at me and goes, [00:26.240]"You fᴜckin' daft bastard." [00:32.039]Noel: It's not a, it's a reputation [00:34.390]right, that I... [00:35.748]Liam : I like the way it's bubbling up. [00:38.282]It's reminding me of the Roses all over again. [00:40.555]I like that, me. [00:41.260]I want to get 2000 people in a nice fᴜckin' gaff who are there to see you, not fᴜckin' go... [00:45.623]Noel: No, no, no, yeh [00:46.746]Liam: I want Blur to go, yeah, man, I'm a fᴜcking... [00:48.392]Noel: Woah. eeyare. Hang on a minute. [00:50.638]That's not what he's on about. [00:51.579]Liam: He is. [00:51.997]Noel: He's on about a reputation, about getting thrown off fᴜckin' ferries [00:55.967]Liam: Yeah, but that's part of it, that's what... [00:57.273]Q: How do you feel about the fact that that's what's spoken of them. [01:02.315]Or it was, sort of... [01:05.554]Noel: The thing about getting thrown off ferries - blah, blah, blah [01:07.853]and getting deported is summat that I'm not proud about because... [01:13.757]Liam: Well I am, la. [01:14.828]Noel: Yeah, alright. Well if you're, right, well if you're, right, well if, [01:18.511]if you're proud about getting thrown off ferries, [01:20.548]then why don't you go and support West Ham and get the fᴜck out of my band [01:23.474]and go and be a football hooligan, right? [01:25.486]Coz we're musicians, right? [01:27.445]We're not football hooligans. [01:28.437]Liam: You're only gutted coz you was in bed fᴜckin' reading your fᴜckin' books... [01:30.449]Noel: No, not at all. [01:30.867]Listen. No, listen. [01:32.800]He says, right... Here's a quote for you from my manager, Marcus Russell, right... [01:37.763]Liam: He's a fᴜckin'...'nother fᴜckin'... [01:39.069]Noel: Shut up, you ****. [01:40.271]Right, he gets off the ferry after getting fᴜckin' deported. [01:43.510]I'm left in Amsterdam with me **** out like a fᴜckin' spare p***k at a fᴜckin' wedding... [01:47.820]Liam: It was a bad move, you know... [01:48.761]Noel: Shut up! Shut up! [01:50.224]Right, he gets off the ferry and Marcus says, [01:52.627]"What are you fᴜckin' doing?" [01:54.116]you know, "What the fᴜck is going..." [01:55.396]Liam: What the fuh, wha' the fuh, wha' fuh.... [01:57.198]Noel: "What are you doing...", and all that, and he says, right [01:59.236]"These lot think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off a ferry...to get..." [02:02.788]Liam: No I don't. [02:03.259]Noel: Shut up. [02:03.964]These lot think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off... [02:05.766]Liam: I don't. [02:06.184]Noel: Shut the fᴜck up, man! [02:07.961]These lot think...I'm gonna have to say this part, are you gonna shut up?! [02:12.637]These lot think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off a ferry, right [02:16.163]to come into hotel foyers to get everybody at it an to go - shut up! - to start thinking, [02:21.440]"Hey, it's rock 'n' roll." Do you know what my manager said to him? [02:24.575]He said, "Nah. Rock'n'roll is going to Amsterdam, doing your gig, playing your music, [02:31.157]that's rock 'n' roll, right... and coming back and saying you blew 'em away." [02:35.677]Not getting thrown off the ferry like some fᴜckin' scouse schlepper with your fᴜckin'... [02:39.935]with...being handcuffed. That's football hooliganism... [02:43.148]Liam: No it isn't... [02:43.775]Noel: ...and I won't stand for it [02:44.480]Liam: No it isn't... [02:45.028]Noel: And listen, they all got fined a thousand pounds each. [02:49.234]Liam: We didn't at all. [02:49.940]Noel: Yes you fᴜckin' did. [02:50.880]Liam: You can stick your thousands pounds right up yer fᴜckin arse 'till it comes out your fᴜckin' big toe. [02:54.015](Noel retires to the toilet) [03:03.105]Q: You're not up for being seen as bad lads, are you? [03:04.751]Liam: No, I'm not up for, no, no, I'm not, I'm not up for being... [03:06.371]Noel: (from bathroom) He's not a bad lad! He's a fᴜcking'... [03:08.095]you know what I mean, he's like... [03:09.375]Liam: Shut the fᴜck up....fᴜckin'...shut up!... [03:10.837]I'm not up for being seen as a bad lad, I'm just up for being seen as me. [03:15.357]And what happened on that boat, right, is we got, had a few drinks and that's because I like drinking. [03:21.548]And I love it. I'm into it. [03:22.070]Noel: (From bathroom) You can't drink, you ********! [03:23.664]Liam: Who can't drink? Well fᴜckin' where the fᴜck did it go? [03:24.708]It went right in there, and I dealt with it. [03:26.563]Noel: (Still in bathroom) Eeyare! Wooah! [03:30.246]Liam: Hey, shut up! Shut the fᴜck up! [03:32.780]Now, listen, right, now listen, right. [03:35.445]And I'm not, I'm not saying, right, I'm not saying I'm proud of what happened [03:39.703]but...that is what happened. [03:41.218]That's what occured on that night. [03:43.830]And it's like what fᴜckin' Bobby Gillespie said. [03:45.711]He said, "I'm sick of all these fᴜckin' bands who, who ain't got, who don't get in situations and that no more." [03:51.484]The last band that did it was the Pistols, and that, and they'd go out and, like, summat would happen. [03:57.597]And that's all it is sir: that's the way we are, or the way I am. [04:00.444]Liam: I always go out and meet some [04:01.384]Noel: That's bulls**t. [04:02.168]Bulls**t. Bulls**t. Bulls**t! [04:04.911]Liam: It's not bulls**t. [04:05.355]It's bulls**t in your world, but in my world it's fᴜcking... [04:08.594]Noel: It's bulls**t. [04:09.012]Nah, it's bulls**t [04:10.423]Liam: Shut the fᴜck up. [04:10.945]What you've been ranting on about, right, is bulls**t to me. [04:12.513]Noel: If you think rock'n'roll is... [04:13.401]if you think rock'n'roll... [04:15.203]if you think rock'n'roll is getting arrested and all that... [04:17.528]Liam: Rock'n'roll is about being yourself. [04:20.375]Noel: No it's not... [04:21.342]Liam: And I went on that fᴜckin' boat, I had a drink, I had too much beer and I got in a fight and that was it. [04:23.667]Noel: Rock'n'roll is about music. [04:24.346]Music. Music. Music. It's not about you, it's not about me, it's not about Oasis. [04:29.884]It's about the songs. [04:30.433]Liam: No it isn't. [04:30.877]No it isn't. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah... [04:33.306]Noel: It's not, it's not about you. [04:34.246]Liam: What the fᴜck were the Pistols, then? [04:34.743]Noel: Who's talking about the *** Pistols? [04:36.023]Liam: They were the best' rock'n'roll band that ever fᴜckin came out. [04:38.374]Or one of 'em...one of 'em, mate...one of 'em. [04:40.176]Noel: They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. [04:41.822]They made one album. [04:44.486]Q: Would the Stones have done anything without getting arrested and getting people's backs up? [04:47.255]Liam: No, would they fᴜck! No, that's why they were so good! That's why they were so good! [04:50.521]Noel: Of course they were good. [04:51.957]What? Coz they got arrested! Because the Rolling Stones got arrested they were a great rock'n'roll band? [04:54.622]Liam: No...No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! [04:55.144]Noel:Fᴜck off! Bulls**t! Bulls**t! [04:57.469]Liam: No, but they had..but they had summat else there. [04:58.932]Noel: They had what? An edge? Is that what you're saying? An edge. [05:01.335]Liam: No, they had a life, you ********. They had a life, man... [05:02.041]Noel: We've got a life! We've got a life! [05:03.373]Liam: Not if you start going on like that. [05:04.653]Noel: Why? But do you think... [05:05.672]Liam: (Begins to mince up and down bedroom). Do you want to walk around like that? Like that? [05:07.370]Noel: No, not at all. [05:08.075]Liam: And get on your stage and go likethat, and you sit, and you go... [05:09.538]Noel: Not at all. Not at all. Not at all. What I'm saying is, what I'm saying is you think... [05:14.684]Liam: You get into situations... [05:15.311]Noel: No...you think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off a ferry, and it's not. [05:17.766]Liam: I don't think it's rock'n' roll. [05:18.837]Noel: You fᴜcking...that was your quote, you p***k! That was your quote. [05:21.815]Liam: No it weren't. No it weren't. No it weren't. No... [05:23.618]Noel: It's rock'n'rooooooool! It's rock'n'rooool! That's what you said! [05:25.316]Liam: I was laughing about it. [05:25.995]Noel: No you weren't. [05:26.779]Liam: Coz everyone was getting hung up about it, [05:27.745]going on like some Japanese fᴜcker or some p***k from Sony, right [05:31.402]who wants to come & fᴜckin' see us, right, and they've got a flight out there, right [05:34.302]and that Marcus was going on to me going, [05:36.287]"What do you think about that, then" and I'm saying what do you mean what do I think. [05:39.108]I think fᴜck all about you... [05:40.206]they mean fᴜck all to me, you know, I don't even know him. [05:43.523]Right, and if they fᴜcking are flying out there, they're gonna it back on whatever the fᴜck... [05:46.606]that's fᴜck all, that's... [05:47.886]Noel: Right. [05:48.330]Liam:...that's bulls**t... [05:49.218]Noel: But what I'm saying to you... [05:50.158]Liam: And I just said it fᴜckin happened. [05:51.203]Noel: Nah... [05:51.647]Liam: And as far as I'm concerned, I was, I'm into it. [05:53.267]Noel: What I'm saying to you is... [05:53.528]Liam: Now I'm out of that cell and I fᴜckin' got out of that piss bucket, [05:57.028]and I laugh about it and I think, yeah, fᴜckin' good, man. [05:59.615]Noel: Bollocks, man! Oasis...Oasis, right, is not... [06:02.593]Liam: It happened, right. It happened. That was reality, mate. It happened. [06:04.813]Noel: We're not a bunch of boxers, are we? Right, so Oasis... [06:08.235]Q: But Oasis is seen as being a band who's similar to the Rolling Stones & the Pistols and the like.... [06:12.911]Noel: Music! Music! [06:13.616]Liam: And that's where you want to be, that's where you want to be... [06:14.818]Q: Let me see what you think of this. [06:20.539]Musically, no, the reason people are writing about you I'd say musically it's about 70% of it. [06:27.540]The other 30%, the reason that you get in the press and the people go, fᴜckin', [06:32.006]and looking at you and all that is coz you do seem like a band that wherever they go summat's going to happen. [06:36.212]Liam: And that's good. That is good. [06:36.813]Noel: That's fine...that's fine. [06:44.989]Liam: I went, I went, uh, to do a video a King's Cross Station, yeah. [06:47.915]I went out to the fᴜcking shop to buy a paper, yeah, [06:50.031]while I was there I had makeup on and fᴜcking everthing ready to do the video shoot and you know ten minutes later, [06:56.614]some crazy crackhead fᴜcking bird...some woman called Pauline going, [07:01.002]"Look man, look, they're fᴜcking..." coz they're talking bulls**t, and getting me hotter....and that was it, it's a situation. [07:10.406]Noel: Right. [07:11.112]Liam: ...that just arose. [07:11.634]Noel: Right. Fine, that's... [07:12.731]Liam: That is life. [07:13.358]Noel: Right. What I fᴜcking say to that is, [07:15.344]what I say to that is situations like that have been happening to me & him before we were in a band. [07:21.430]Liam: Therefore, why should it all change? Why should... [07:22.788]Noel: Shut up. Shut up. [07:23.886]Liam: I get in situations all the time.... [07:24.643]Noel: He's just said, he's just said 70%... [07:28.248]Liam: The band, the band is not a rule book for my life. [07:30.495]Noel: Right. The band is about fᴜckin' music. [07:32.793]Right. It's not about getting thrown off fᴜckin ferries, or about... [07:36.398]Liam: I never said that. [07:37.260]Noel: Why don't you go downstairs and smash the bar up and say you're the singer of Oasis? [07:40.944]Liam: Coz I don't want to. [07:42.276]If I did, if I was gonna go down & smash the bar up, I'd do and there's nothing would stop me. [07:44.757]Noel: Then why don't you go and make a scene, then? [07:46.090]Liam: Coz I'm not in that...I'm fᴜcking...you know what I mean? [07:49.721]Noel: You're not...you're not... [07:51.131]Right. Why don't you do a Keith Richards? Throw the TV out of the window! [07:58.759]Liam: Coz I'm not Keith Richards. [08:01.450]Noel: Throw the TV out the window! [08:03.043]Liam: I don't want to do that. [08:04.219]If I wanted to do it, I'd just go like that and do it, and do it. [08:07.301]But I don't want to do that. I'm not about that. [08:09.783]Noel: What are you about? [08:10.488]Liam: I'm about being...I'm about going down the fᴜckin'...I'm about... [08:16.287]That's what I'm about. [08:16.705]Noel: Right. That's what you're about. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. But I'm talking about fᴜckin'.... [08:22.348]Ehyeh, I'm talking about our band here. [08:24.908]hey, yo, I'm talking about our band. [08:26.788]Liam: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. [08:28.016]Noel: No you're not. You're talking about you. [08:29.061]You're talking about you, right. [08:30.393]I'm talking about our band...our band. Our band is about tunes. [08:37.525]Liam: Yeah, I know. Don't...don't think I'm stupid. Don't talk to me like I'm.. [08:40.895]Noel: He's just said, seventy, 70% of what people are writing about is the music. [08:45.780]Right. I'll take the 70%. The 30%, you can go and fᴜckin' blow it. [08:53.407]Liam: Sit down, man. Sit down, coz you're getting into a state. [08:56.490]You're building yourself into a stat. [08:57.273]You've had too many G&Ts. Sit the fᴜck down. [08:59.494]Noel: No, no, no, I’am not [09:00.382]Noel: See, you're not a spokesman for the band. [09:00.565]Liam: I’am nah - are you? [09:02.785]Noel: Yeah. I am. [09:03.491]Liam: Are you? [09:04.039]Noel: Yeah. I am. [09:04.588]Liam: You might be in your little world, [09:05.868]but as far as I'm concerned, if you think what I'm saying is bulls**t, I think what you're saying is fᴜckin' bulls**t, man. [09:10.491]Noel: Right. Well, fine. Right. Well, fine. You don't speak for the band. [09:13.365]...... [09:14.593]Liam: You don't speak for the band. [09:15.376]Noel: I do speak for the band. [09:16.970]Liam: You do, yeah, because you fᴜckin', yeah... [09:18.642]I fᴜcking speak for the band, I'm speaking now for the band. [09:21.463]And I'm into it. I'm into all that fᴜckin' s**t. [09:23.448]Noel: Yeah, you are. You are. [09:24.702]Liam: He's teetotal. He's a fᴜckin' priest. He was born to be a priest. [09:30.318]Noel: No, listen. Listen. Listen. No, no, yeah, whoa, whoa,yeah. [09:35.700]The difference is, I don't get caught. [09:37.188]Liam: Right. [09:39.722]Noel: Right. I don't get caught. [09:43.197]Liam: But I have to admit that I was fᴜckin'... [09:48.238]Noel: Right. That's all I have to say....I don't get caught. [09:52.078]Liam: So what you're trying to say, right, [09:55.317]what you're trying to say, you're trying to say, right, [09:57.616]that I'm out in a pub, yeah, I have a few beers, yeah, a situation arises, [10:03.076]and I'm supposed to go like that (makes suitably effeminate gesture)? [10:05.819]Noel: What pub, where? [10:06.942]Liam: Anywhere, anywhere! The boat, the boat, the boat, the boat is the same thing. [10:09.528]Noel: It isn't! Coz you're with Oasis! You're with the band! [10:12.271]Liam: Nah, nah, nah. There's no rules. [10:13.629]Why don't you show me the rule book, then... [10:15.171]coz if you've got a rule book, what you're saying is complete and utter fᴜckin' (VOLUME WARNING) Bloooarskybluh! [10:21.335]Noel: I haven't got a rule book. I'm not saying there's any rules. [10:23.765]I'm saying you're proud of the fact, you're proud of the fact. Why? [10:27.317]Liam: Coz it happened. I'm not proud...no, I'm not... [10:30.165]If it didn't happen, if it didn't hapen, we wouldn't have been asked. [10:32.437]Yeah, I won't be going...I won't be going... [10:34.371]no, I don't go out to fᴜcking' get a vibe and that to go "Yeah, yeah..." [10:37.662]Noel: You do! You do! [10:39.856]You do, you walk into hotel fᴜckin' foyers and you get everybody at it and you go "Psss", [10:43.957]knocking on people's doors and go "hey", fᴜckin'... [10:45.185]Liam: I'm having the crack. [10:46.178]Noel: Right. Yeah. You're proud of the fact. [10:48.006]Liam: And it's not doing anyone any harm. [10:50.828]It's not doing anyone any harm. That's me. John Lennon used to fᴜckin' burn about doing little mad things, and that... [10:53.414]Noel: Do you know John Lennon? [10:54.119]Liam: Do you know him? [10:55.007]Noel: I don't, but do you? [10:55.582]Liam: Yeah. [10:57.384]Noel: Well, you must be pretty old. How old are you? 21? [10:59.291]Liam: No. About fᴜckin' thousand and five fᴜckin' one. [11:01.930]Noel: You're 22. [11:02.740]Liam: No, I'm 21. [11:03.628]Noel: Right. And remember, I watched you being born... [11:04.986]Liam: Right. [11:05.508]Noel: ...and I don't even know John Lennon. [11:06.553]Liam: Right. [11:06.919]Noel: Right, then, so shut the fᴜck up about knowing John Lennon...so what are you trying to say, then? [11:10.655]Liam: What I'm saying's that you're not rock 'n' roll. [11:12.222]You want to be teetotal and walk around and go like that? [11:20.059]Noel: I think you're missing the point. [11:20.686]Liam: No, you're missing the point. [11:22.357](indecipherable) [11:31.709]Noel:They don’t want…They don’t want…They don’t want…to be judged [11:36.594]Liam:And I know that,I ‘m not fᴜcking stupid. [11:39.337]Q: Then why did he put the references to white lines in Cigarettes & Alcohol? [11:41.793]Liam: Exactly, why, why, didn't you, why, why... [11:43.882]Noel: That is, that's a part...that's not being bad, that's a part of life. [11:46.233]That is a part of fᴜckin' life, we all snort white lines every day. [11:51.066]Liam: Exactly. and we all get into trouble now & again, we all have little fights.. [11:54.331]Noel: No we don't. We don't all get into trouble. [11:55.742]Liam: But I do.You want to be, you want to be.. [12:00.914]Noel: Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Let's talk about music! [12:08.150]Liam: You want to be, you want to be, you want to be Keith Richards. [12:09.482]You want to be Keith Richards. Admit it. Admit it. You want to be Keith Richards. Admit it. Admit it. Admit it. Admit it. [12:14.733]Noel: Let's talk about music. Let's not talk about you being a hard guy. Let's talk about music. Let's talk about music! [12:17.633]Let's not talk about you being an 'ard guy, let’s talk about music, let’s not talk about you being an ‘ard man, let's talk about music. [12:20.611]Liam: You're getting hung up about...you're getting hung up about a situation that occured on a boat! [12:26.984]Q: Let's go back to where we were before, when you said... [12:28.996]that people saying "I go on Oasis' bus and you can't move for drugs and all that, and they're fᴜckin’ up all night..." [12:37.668]You're up for that? You're up for that? That's the side that you will go.. [12:41.482]Noel: Right. People are sat, right, in England, right now, [12:45.218]in flats across this country, whether it be Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield...in rooms like this. [12:52.584]And they've all got their drugs out. that's no fᴜcking...that is no big...that is a part of life. [12:57.704]Liam: Exactly. So shut the fᴜck up , man! [12:59.585]Noel: I'm not talking about that! [13:01.335]Liam: Shut the fᴜck up, man, you're just contradicting yourself.. [13:03.582]Noel: I’m not, I’m not, I’m not.. [13:04.627]Liam: ..You've had too many fᴜckin’ drinks, right. [13:05.228]The thing is, I don't want to be classed... [13:06.377]I don't want to go on about how I'm this, how I'm a hard fᴜcker, and I'm this... I'm in this band to make fᴜcking music, [13:12.516]but that thing will come along with it. It always does. [13:15.259]Q: The Who hated each other you know? [13:16.669]Liam: Yeah, well I hate this bastard. [13:17.897]Q: Is that important to you? Is that what fires this band up? [13:20.431]Liam: Yeah. That's what it's all about. [13:21.842]That's w hy we'll be the best band in the world, because I fᴜckin' hate that twat there. [13:24.584]Q: The Who used to go on about how much they fᴜckin' hated eachother. [13:27.014]Noel: The samegoes for you (laughing) [13:30.201]Liam: Yeah, well I fᴜckin' hate him. [13:30.566]And I hope one day there's a release where I can smash fᴜck out of him, with a fᴜckin' Rickenbacker, right on his nose, [13:35.321]and then he does the same to me, coz I think that we're stepping right up to it now. [13:39.944]There's a fᴜckin' line there and we're right on the edge of it. [13:43.941]Q: How often do you have arguments like this? [13:46.214]Liam: Every fᴜckin'...every day. Every day. Every time... [13:47.442]Noel: Hourly [13:50.184]Q: Yeah. [13:50.785]Noel: Hourly [13:52.692]Q: And how do you manage to go on stage with each other? [13:54.416]Liam: I fᴜck him off. [13:55.435]Q: Do you argue immediately before you...do you argue immediately before you... [13:57.055]Liam: I've got a mike stand, I've got a mike stand, yeah. [14:00.111]And I've got a mike stand, right, and that's what I'm about, right, what I'm into. [14:02.880]I'm not going to fᴜck off because he thinks my views are fᴜcking too outrageous or whatever. [14:08.287]I've got my fᴜckin' vibe, and Igo to that mike stand, and I do my business. [14:11.579]He stands fᴜckin' in his fᴜckin' corner, he does, he does his little riffs and his little dance - let him do that. [14:15.758]McGuigan does his fᴜckin' bit, I'll do my bit, the drummer does their bit. And that's what it's all about. [14:20.382]Five people, not one. [14:23.229]Q: Do you have any recurring dreams? [14:23.859]Noel: Yeah. Just the one. [14:27.874]Liam: When I take over the band…