[00:11.46][applause~~] [00:22.34]Ginger: [00:27.02]The odds were a hundred to one against me [00:32.76]The world thought the heights were too high to climb [00:38.03]But people from Missouri never incensed me [00:43.26]Oh I wasn't a bit concerned [00:45.99]For from history I had learned [00:48.79]How many many times the world had turned [00:54.71]They all laughed at Christopher Columbus [00:57.33]When he said the world was round [01:00.38]They all laughed when Edison recorded sound [01:05.60]They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother [01:08.07]When they said that man could fly [01:10.61]They told Marconi wireless was a phoney [01:13.28]It's the same old try [01:15.24]They laughed at me wanting you [01:18.33]Said I was reaching for the moon [01:20.99]But oh you came through [01:23.81]Now they'll have to change their tune [01:27.17]They all said we never would be happy [01:29.39]Darling let's take a bow [01:32.18]But ho ho ho [01:33.70]Who's got the last laugh now? [01:37.65][applause~~] [01:47.63]And now Miss Keene has graciously consented to dance for us. [01:51.84]But, uh, not alone. [01:53.72]Those of you who have never seen her famous partner, [01:55.89] have at least heard of him... [01:57.71]Quite a bit lately [01:59.59]Petrov! [02:00.64][applause~~] [02:07.03][Orchestra music] [02:36.51]Ginger: [02:39.31]What am I supposed to do? [02:40.82]Fred: [02:41.28]Twist.