I'll be hard to handle. I promise you that. And if you complain Here's one little Jane that will leave you flat. I'll be hard to handle. What else can I be? Just ask my Dad the trouble he had controlling me. I have faults. To be specific, In a temper, oooh, I'm terrific. I throw chairs and tables and I never miss. Ohhh... I'm as cold as in a shell fish. I tell lies. I'm mean. I'm selfish. Think it over. My warning is this: I'll be hard to handle. I'm making it plain. Now just be a dear And scram out of here, 'Cause I'm going to raise Cain. I'm as cold as in a shell fish. Think it over. My warning is... If you want to be sweet, huh! I'll be hard to handle. I'm making it plain. Now just be a dear And scram out of here, Ve dee, ve dee, ve dee, ve dee.