翻译BY 莫须有 With the dawn 直至黎明 Comes the loathing 衍生出反感 With the morning 直至晨霭 Comes the fall 孕育堕落 With the qualm 直至疑虑 Come the vermin 滋生虫豸 Come to spawn 繁衍成长 From the sun they crawl 从褪色的昏日中蜂拥而出 With the night 直至暮色 Dies the calm 击溃安宁 With revulsion 直至忿恶 Comes the spite 催生出沸腾的怨愤 With the light 直至白昼之光 Come the lightmares 演变成梦魇 Waking moloch moloch散布者恐惧 Comes with the fall 随行于暮色之后 Succumb With draw your soul from this fallacy 你的灵魂将从固有的谬误中被抽离,在暮色前卑躬屈膝 This infamy is not for us 这份誾邪我们无需承担 With the night 直至夜色 Comes deliverance 带来解脱 Comes the spark 带来启迪之火 That sets us alight 我们燃尽于其中 With the dark 直至黑暗 Comes remembrance 令我们追忆 Comes the halo 追随他的光晕 Comes the flight 在天际穿行 And the ground takes a fall 大地坠入昏沉暮霭 Torn upon winds of witchery 泪水在邪恶冽风中挥洒 Resplendent wings unfold 辉煌的火花铺展于风暴 Reveling in lucid lechery 我们在清晰地欲望中审度 We invoke what no eye can behold 我们祈求着您的降临,没有人敢于直视 Azure, her gaping portal 碧空之上,她撕开异界之门 Ablaze in ecstasy 我们在狂喜中焚为灰烬 The goddess calls, immortal 这是神性的呼唤,不朽之身 Shrugs off all treachery 轻蔑于那些渺小的变节者 Stay down 跪下 Wait for evenfall 等待暮色降临 For the night to embrace us again 为了永夜能重新拥抱我们 Wait for evenfall 等待暮色降临 Deep now 地下头颅 Wait for evenfall 等着暮色降临 For the abyss will set us free 深渊会赐予我们自由 Wait for evenfall 等待暮色降临