作词 : Tiffanyblu/HYPE:YOUNG 作曲 : Tiffanyblu/HYPE:YOUNG 混音母带:Tiffanyblu/Hypeyoung my jewelry shine bright like crystal clear(一闪一闪) we can turn it up or pour it up (好嗨哦) 是我自愿深陷其中 才会设法想要把你留住 lately I been feeling tipsy day and night (最近有点懵) Late night in the studio we cooking u can catch a vibe (基本在家) Sorry for the wait I know im late I come in flaming hot. (我是下一个kris wu) i just need more patient from you if mysssscut through ur heart (再给我点时间吧) 再兜一个圈 月球都踏遍 watch me Michael Jackson dancing on top of that drop top Benz(看我在车头盖上月球漫步) 我们可以一直跳到花都落了谢了还不够 烦恼都抛之脑后 this song would u sing along (可以点一下关注) 我举起香槟望她身上不停撒 Its that drop top Benz not the coupe (窗篷的) Have u seen the new wave color its that tiffanyblue (你懂的) Its that rockstar vibe and we rude (我shawty对其他人很不友好) Its that siren at the back(警笛追在后头) 我摇下窗户一把撒啊撒啊撒啊散落在雨中 女孩都bounce bounce bounce bounce we keep on pour it up(好嗨哦) 我开着马萨拉蒂带我shawty私奔到月球 就算转速再快到三百公里但我手不松 我漫天撒 漫天撒 we in love(爱了) oh hunnid lies(一百个谎言) 我漫天撒 漫天撒 女孩全部起跳 go for a crazy ride (冲鸭) 散落吧 散落吧 oh seems like we in love(好像爱了) 是个陷阱但我乐在其中 Would u dance with me with u go(你会不会走) I can let u dance on top of that rarri we can roll(我们可以速度与激情) Shawty u can dance with me in my in my zone(我是范迪塞尔) suicidedoors左轮pistol正在指着我的头 我会开始朝着你的方向奋不顾身不停往前追yeahyeahyeah 我不愿意跳孤独的探戈 就像是这样悄悄的在看你 Ride around the city (走遍了城市)我还在意 I got nothing to lose (没什么可失去的了) Look at the stars(看看那些星星) 是我的问题结果让你go away But I can't deny it(承认吧) Sorry no time waste it(没时间浪费了) 现在你在哪里 yeah We fight till the morning(我们一直缠绵到早上) Babe I ain‘t going no where(我哪里也不去) 如果保持Contact Don’t you hidein some where(别躲起来了) 我还存在的问题 got it Oh ma lady yeah(亲爱的) Be ma wifiy yeah(成为我的爱人吧) I can’t deny it yeah(承认吧) But I love it babe(就这样) 一直以来让你失望的次数都会弥补 babe 你身边的家伙太嫉妒 I never lose it(从来不失去) Its that drop top Benz not the coupe (窗篷的) Have u seen the new wave color its that tiffanyblue (你懂的) Its that rockstar vibe and we rude (我shawty对其他人很不友好) Its that siren at the back(警笛追在后头) 我摇下窗户一把撒啊撒啊撒啊散落在雨中 女孩都bounce bounce bounce bounce we keep on pour it up 我开着马萨拉蒂带我shawty私奔到月球 就算转速在快到三百公里但我手不松 我漫天撒漫天撒 we in love(爱了) oh hunnid lies(一百个谎言) 我漫天撒漫天撒 女孩全部起跳 go for a crazy ride (冲鸭) 散落吧 散落吧 seems like we in love(好像爱了) 是个陷阱但我乐在其中