作曲 : Quinton Lovell Marks II Looking back ten years ago I definitely thought I’ll be somewhere different at 25 But… I have to say that I’m proud of myself, I love myself I love who I am and who I become to be and who I grown to be I’m proud of how open and vulnerable I am and how mature my music has gotten over the years I’m thankful for all experiences and all the family and all the friends and all the love that I have around me And even though I do have some negative facts sometimes I don’t let it consume me I don’t let it take over every ounce of who I am and I don’t let it drive me. I let the positive outlooks on life drive me And I’ll let the good things in life drive me And I try to spread the positivity as farther as I can and that was what I hope to achieve with this album and I know it could be scary thinking about suicide and mental health and going crazy But it’s important to talk about it and it’s important to not just turn a blind eye to it and pretend that it’s not a thing when it’s very much a thing and is very popular And… it’s up to us to spread love to each other and spread positivity and spread light instead of darkness So …what that I just want to say thank you and I love you and thank you for taking time to listen if you did and spread love