I love my Jean Of a, the airts the wind can blow I dearly like the west For there the bonnie Lassie lives The Lassie I love best There,s wild-woods grow, and rivers row And mony a hill between But day and night my fancy,s flight Is ever wi, my Jean I see her in the Dewy folwers I see her sweet and fair I hear her in the tunefu, birds I hear her charm the air There's not a bonnie flower, that springs By a fountain, shaw, or green There's not a bonnie bird that sings But minds me o, my Jean I see her in the Dewy folwers I see her sweet and fair I hear her charm the air There's not a bonnie flower, that springs By a fountain, shaw, or green There's not a bonnie bird that sings But minds me o, my Jean There's not a bonnie flower, that springs By a fountain, shaw, or green There's not a bonnie bird that sings But minds me o, my Jean