[00:00.000] 作词 : Five-seWeN [00:01.000] 作曲 : JR Views [00:06.582]Its TEST(这只是个测试) [00:14.581]Rolling in my bed rolling rolling in my bed(在我的床上翻滚) [00:18.831]money in my bag i got money in my pocket(钱都到了我的背包和口袋) [00:22.327]i got two three four kills in the morning(在早上我刚刚拿到了四杀) [00:25.832]my homies party party party party all the day ay(我和我的朋友整天都在狂欢) [00:30.083]party all the day (整天都在狂欢) [00:31.325]不知道休息没有了大脑 [00:33.332]凌晨的鸡叫 [00:34.078]邻人的喧闹 [00:35.076]打包在一起把全部都扔掉 [00:36.827]my homies in my back(我的兄弟在我背后) [00:39.323]有苦一起背 [00:41.078]i got trouble(我有麻烦) [00:41.832]不用着急 [00:42.830]有人顶住我的背 [00:45.325]做人从不太老套 [00:46.325]做事也一直太老道 [00:48.579]从来都不需要偷偷看暗号 [00:50.329]手上的机会也不让它跑掉 [00:52.073]不用刻意去揣摩我大脑 [00:54.082]只用刻一刀就能让你看到 [00:56.078]刻痕的深度我让你知道 [00:57.577]巧妙的力道高超的技巧 [01:00.327]you know what i mean ay look at me just 20 years old i can i can drinking whisky(你懂我的意思,瞧瞧我,才20岁就可以猛灌威士忌) [01:07.584]i dont care about what you want to talk to me ay(我才不管你想对我说什么) [01:11.833]its all ******** please dont talk with me(全都是废话,请别来烦我) [01:22.327]you know what i mean(你知道我的意思) [01:26.080]its BS!!!(这是BS!) [01:30.584]Rolling in my bed rolling rolling in my bed(在我的床上翻滚) [01:34.331]money in my bag i got money in my pocket(钱都到了我的背包和口袋) [01:37.826]i got two three four kills in the morning(在早上我刚刚拿到了四杀) [01:41.578]my homies party party party party all the day ay(我和我的朋友整天都在狂欢) [01:45.584]行云流水的flow加效果爆炸的秀 [01:48.580]全部都装进我兜里 [01:49.831]抽起 刀柄 尸首分离 落地 [01:52.073]dont worry homie(别担心朋友) [01:53.084]Bs **** 让你 双脚脱离 地面 飞起 ya [01:56.832]等待你落地我会徘徊在迈阿密里等你 [02:00.826]根本都不会去在意也不会去猜疑太心机的攻击城府深到万米会突然暴毙 [02:05.830]也不会后退半米我宏程万里 [02:08.325]看着我手刃你贝贝的连续技 [02:10.080]秒杀你搞趴你小垃圾小虾米你自己在家里找差距好诧异搞清楚相差了十来万八千里(贝贝天下无敌) ay [02:15.826]十来万八千里 [02:16.824]子弹的喷射器 [02:18.081]rapper的大杀器 [02:19.078]强力的兴奋剂让你看到自己却不能够自已只是跟上我就已经精疲力尽 [02:23.583]认命吧 baby [02:24.825]接住这攻击 baby [02:26.832]7.74的口径火舌在枪口上舔你