[ti:celluloid heroes] [ar:joan jett] [00:30.420]Everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star 【每个人都是梦想家,每个人都是(自己的)明星】 [00:40.370]And everybody's in movies,it doesn't matter who you are 【自然,每个人都在戏里,不管你是谁】 [00:43.670]There are stars in every city,in every House and on every street 【每个城市、每栋房屋、每条街道,处处都有明星】 [00:51.620]And if you walk down Hollywood Boulevard 【还有,如果你漫步在好莱坞大道】 [00:54.980]Their names are written in concrete 【你会看到他们的名字被写在水泥路面上】 [01:02.290]Don't tread on Greta Garbo as you walk down the Boulevard 【走在这条路上,你可不要踩到了葛丽泰·嘉宝】(译者按:葛丽泰·嘉宝,电影女演员。生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,逝于美国纽约。她是电影史上最著名的女明星之一。曾获颁奥斯卡终身成就奖。) [01:10.650]She looks so weak and fragile,that's why she tried to be so hard 【她看上去是那么地柔弱与脆弱,这就是为什么她要那么地以示坚强】 [01:15.710]But they turned her into a princess and they sat her on a throne 【但他们将她弄成了一个公主,把她安坐在神位上】(译者按:这里是对主流电影工业的一个讽刺) [01:24.70]But she turned her back her on stardom 【而她自己却折转而成为演员】 [01:27.880]Because she wanted to be alone 【因为她想独自一人(不想有万人簇拥)】 [01:29.890]Well,you can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard 【是的,漫步在好莱坞大道上,你能看到所有的大明星】 [01:37.900]Some that you recognize,some that you've hardly even heard of 【有些你认得,而有些你听都没听说过】 [01:45.910]People who worked,suffered and struggled for fame 【那些为名利而奔波、受苦和挣扎的人们】 [01:53.620]Some who succeeded,some who suffered in vain 【(其中)有些人功成名就,有些人竹篮打水一场空】 [02:03.770]Rudolf Valentino looks very much alive 【鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺则看上去十分活跃】(译者按:鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺,美国著名男演员,被誉为“拉丁情人”) [02:10.900]And he looks up ladies'dresses as they sadly pass him by 【当女士们悲伤地走过他时,他会抬头看看她们的裙底风光】 [02:16.300]Avoid steppin'on Bela Lugosi because he's liable to turn and bite 【人们会避免踏上贝拉·卢戈西,那是因为他会(突然)把脸转过来给你来一口】(译者按:贝拉·卢戈西是匈牙利舞台与电影双栖演员,他以扮演吸血鬼而为人所知) [02:27.830]But stand close by Bette Davis because hers was such a lonely life 【但人们会靠近站在贝蒂·戴维斯旁边,那是因为她的生活实在有些孤寂】(译者按:贝蒂·戴维斯,美国电影、电视和戏剧演员,曾两次获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖) [02:35.90]Well,you can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard 【是的,漫步在好莱坞大道上,你能看到所有的大明星】 [02:36.940]Some that you recognize,some that you've hardly even heard of 【有些你认得,而有些你是听都没听说过】 [02:45.510]People who worked,suffered and struggled for fame 【那些为名利而奔波、受苦和挣扎的人们】 [02:55.70]Some who succeeded,some who suffered in vain 【(其中)有些人功成名就,有些人竹篮打水一场空】 [03:10.340]Everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star 【每个人都是梦想家,每个人都是(自己的)明星】 [03:14.50]And everybody's in showbiz,it doesn't matter who you are 【自然,每个人都在戏里,不管你是谁】 [03:22.260]And those who are successful,be always on your guard 【自然,那些功成名就的人总是会警惕他人】 [03:30.570]You see success walks hand in hand [03:32.830]With failure on the Hollywood Boulevard 【在此,好莱坞大道上,你会看到成功是一次次失败的接续】 [03:37.620]Well,you can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard 【是的,漫步在好莱坞大道上,你能看到所有的大明星】 [03:47.750]Some that you recognize,some that you've hardly even heard of 【有些你认得,而有些你是听都没听说过】 [03:50.350]People who worked,suffered and struggled for fame 【那些为名利而奔波、受苦和挣扎的人们】 [04:04.110]Some who succeeded,some who suffered in vain 【(其中)有些人功成名就,有些人竹篮打水一场空】 [04:47.580]I wish my life was a non stop Hollywood movie show 【我但愿我的人生就像一部永不停歇的好莱坞电影秀】 [04:52.730]A fantasy world of celluloid films and heroes 【这是一个幻想世界,胶片上是放不完的电影和无数的英雄】 [05:03.950]Because celluloid heroes never feel any pain 【胶片中的英雄从不会感觉到痛苦】 [05:07.620]And celluloid heroes never really die 【因此,胶片英雄也就从不会真正逝去】