Do you love me, or are you just extending goodwill? 你爱我吗?或许你只是在表达善意? Do you need me half as bad as you say, or are you just feeling guilt? 你有你说的一半那么需要我吗,还是由于愧疚? I've been burned before and I know the score 在结束之前我早已明白 So you won't hear me complain. 所以你不会听见我抱怨。 Will I be able to count on you 我能否再对你抱有期许。 Or is your love in vain? 亦或你的爱只是徒然么? Are you so fast that you cannot see that I must have solitude? 是否你太过轻快我才只能选择孤单? When I am in the darkness, why do you intrude? 当我身处黑暗,你又偏偏闯入? Do you know my world, do you know my kind 你是否了解我的世界,你是否明白我的善良? Or must I explain? 我必须解释吗? Will you let me be myself 你会让我做我自己吗? Or is your love in vain? 不然你的爱只会是徒然么? Well I've been to the mountain and I've been in the wind, 我领略过高山,也曾在风中飘荡, I've been in and out of happiness. 在幸福快乐中几度来去。 I have dined with kings, I've been offered wings 我曾与国王共进晚餐,也曾展翅翱翔 And I've never been too impressed. 但那些,我都毫不在意。 All right, I'll take a chance, I will fall in love with you 好吧,让我与你共沐爱河 If I'm a fool you can have the night, you can have the morning too. 就让我傻傻地与你共度朝夕。 Can you cook and sew, make flowers grow, 你会做菜吗?针线跟种花呢? Do you understand my pain? (更重要的是)你是否能明白我内心的痛苦? Are you willing to risk it all 你是否愿意一试, Or is your love in vain? 否则你的爱只是徒然么?