When the days go short and the summers done now the chill is in the air I cannot believe that the times come end, that our last day is here Tomorrow we will go home. Today we'll sing our song Together, together It's not goodby what's so long just for now I'll be yours to the end Don't you cry extra ill come around It's not goodbye but I'll see you again fire flies and tain of nights and the sound of your guitar A summer breeze through the maple trees that swing in our warmy arm photographs won't fade the memories we've made Together, together It's not goodby what's so long just for now I'll be yours to the end Don't you cry extra ill come around It's not goodbye but I'll see you again Just remember that I'll be right here You have summer. It's day of a year. Cause always be near It's not goodby what's so long just for now I'll be yours to the end Don't you cry extra ill come around It's not goodbye but I'll see you again Make the new friends but keep the old one in silver and the others gold