[00:01.000] 作词 : yocho [00:02.000] 作曲 : yocho [00:04.78]编曲:yocho [00:22.05]soul fresh soul deep [00:24.88]soul fresh soul deep [00:31.59]soul fresh soul deep [00:35.45]soul fresh soul deep [00:43.84]yocho [00:45.45]这个名字带不来也带不走 [00:47.63]在洱海里的风浪牵起你的手 [00:50.12]回过神的时候 你我悄然坐在船头 [00:53.17]那一年的 GLAZE 17 [00:55.90]我问我自己 如何找回平静 [00:58.22]或突然遇到瓶颈 忘不掉的情景 [01:00.91]是和那个素未谋面 却不间断的通信 [01:04.23]I ve been spinning in the day and the night [01:07.08]才理解什么才是爱 是音乐 是信仰 [01:10.04]是那种澎湃 逐渐消失成为了期待 [01:12.90]慢慢学会将自己置身于事外 [01:15.26]then I found soul oreo [01:16.89]那种味道我知道它对自己的胃口 [01:19.57]生命之中不再只有对手 是朋友 是节奏 [01:22.84]是跟着那些role models tell me how to get the flow [01:26.26]soul fresh soul deep [01:28.83]soul fresh soul deep [01:36.32]soul fresh soul deep [01:39.50]soul fresh soul deep [01:47.62]soul fresh soul deep [02:10.61]think about the things we need [02:12.57]生活不止是朝朝夕夕 走走停停 [02:15.13]或者是流连忘返那些人事物和风景 [02:18.35]想要看透那些肤浅的表面 [02:20.94]浮现在你的脑海里面 是山河湖海 [02:23.87]川流不息 生命的绽放和毁灭 [02:26.12]依靠在你的一侧 是一片温柔的土地 [02:29.96]beats and chords and melody [02:31.55]在时空零界点注入一针兴奋剂 [02:34.33]宇宙快要爆炸 在感性的冰川缝隙 [02:36.80]裂开 like the lotus flower boom indeed [02:39.69]drop some kick and bass and the keys [02:42.32]and let the groove hits the lead [02:44.70]电流刺激每一寸的皮肤渗透出爱意 [02:47.49]so legendary 那一刻音乐是上帝 [02:51.50]soul fresh soul deep [02:54.67]soul fresh soul deep [03:00.92]soul fresh soul deep [03:05.05]soul fresh soul deep [03:21.91]和声编写:yocho [03:22.50]录音:zc;Naggy [03:23.00]混音:yocho [03:23.43]母带:Bankroll Studio