作曲 : K_koi 作词 : K_koi/Pinkman Li Ming: Life so boring and I don't know what I'm doing U try to find my land But u have no idea Life so boring and I don't know what Im doing U wanna understand me But u have no idea 不说多的废话因为浪费口水呀 选择多了才会后悔所以才会怕 我每天早上起床给我妈妈打电话 妈妈告诉我说要做就一定要做到大 所以把hater踩在脚底 把faker送进牢里 挨打也要立正稍息 揭开了我的老底 1999年的OG 身后还藏着homie 陪你们玩个游戏 这感觉实在dirty呀 ya ya I feel so hot ya ya I feel so hot ya ya I feel so hot Hold on I feel I feel another one 不在一个level何必要去比呢 我只想要安静做个三好学生 家里有人等我还没出过远门 好好享受我的悲惨人生 Life so boring and I don't know what I'm doing U try to find my land But u have no idea Life so boring and I don't know what Im doing U wanna understand me But u have no idea Pinkman: like jack 统治加勒比 轻轻松松 kill this beat 算了爬不上money tree 但梦寐的是西班牙的beach nowaday 不再为了功名和利禄 说黑暗前的光明难免产生共鸣和嫉妒 我和我兄弟合伙开辟了新大陆 so cool still pool i don't care who are you um the Flash 再简单的超过你没法比 甩掉你从不回头 mom's baby 说恭喜你拿到了通知书 读书但鬼见了愁 wenn wenn 搭上了快车 酒里加上冰块 好多新生 代 的新帅 喜欢怪 Pinkman maybe没有新的tatoo 他们lean with my crew 随时 嘘卡biu Life so boring and I don't know what I'm doing U try to find my land But u have no idea Life so boring and I don't know what Im doing U wanna understand me But u have no idea