I wonder if you know How they like in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) wonder if you know How they like in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) ヘイラッシャイ! お待(ま)ち道(どう)様(さま) 喧騒(けんそう)まみれこの街(まち)の演奏(えんそう) 黙(だま)ったまま一度(いちど)ついておいで 世界(せかい)中(じゅう)魅了(みりょう)するほどに豪華(ごうか)な ジャパン(Japan)一番(いちばん) Jump around さぁうちらの出番(だばん) Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be 見(み)せてやる  オリジナルV.I.P Many many diamonds~DANGLIN Bag full Of money we strangling Hate me、fry me、bake me Try me all the above cuz you can`t get in I don`t want no プロブレム(problem) Because me プロフェッショナル(professional) Make you shake your ケツ(ass)(サンキュー(Thank you)) Haters take it パーソナル(personal) Like a金田(かねだ) 対(たい) 鉄夫(てつお) now New Tokyo 滅亡(めつぼう) 無(む)くなっちまう前(まえ)に熱(ねつ)を発散(はっさん)しきっちまおうゼ Let`s go 熱望(ねつぼう) ズヒルギロッポン  ラポからエスコート(ええ?すごい!) 26号じゃないNigo 入(にゅう)カソルの座標(ざひょう)ピンポイント(pinpoint) I wonder if you know How they like in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Hi!私テリヤキボーイ(Teriyaki Boyz)!  「あっ」と言(ゆ)う間吹(まふ)き飛(ひ)ばすノイズ(noise) ベーシックはサプライズで マジ毎日(まいにち)がアブナイゼ 忍者風(にんじゃかふ)、賢者風(けんじゃかぜふ)だけど芸者(げいしゃふ) BAPEの惑星(わくせい)からの使者(ししゃ) You see me in the parking lot 7-11 is the spot Bikes with wings and, shiny things and, lions, tiger, bears, oh my ride! We`re furious & fast Supersonic like JJ FAD and We ride till the wheels are flat Can`t beat that with a baseball bat Like a 公安(こうあん)9課(か) トグサ マテバ良(よ)い是非(ぜひ)即(そく)採用(さいよ) インターセプターして 国際(こくさい)的(てき)犯罪(はんざい)はパンザイ ホラ~ Hands up ワァレがbomb落(らく)とすと踊(よう)りだす今夜(こんや)の 4 Boyz from ワァーストコースト どうささやく 私のゴーストは? I wonder if you know How they like in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) や~ジャパン 毎日(まいにち)ドキドキです ヒートアイランドとびとびです 萌(も)える容姿(ようし)で「ぼちぼちねぇ~」手招(てまね)きで誘(ゆ)う 「こっちこっちへ」ヒートアップで踊(よう)りそう 町中(まちちゅう)すべってのりこむ めっちゃ変(へん)わり者(しゃ)でもシャワル ごちゃごちゃのFast and Furious It's gotta be the shoes, gotta be the furs That's why ladies choose me All up in the news, cuz we so cute That's why we so huge 原宿(はらじゅく)girls know how I フィール(feel) They respect I keeps it リアル(real) Not a Chinaman cuz I isn’t from China ~ man I am Japan man (私は東京を好き) You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR. (私の車(くるま)素敵(すてき)) I wonder where he get that kind of money? (あなたも東京を好き) Don't worry about it.(あなたの車(くるま)素敵(すてき)~) Let’s go! I wonder if you know How they like in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Wonder if you know How they like in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)