向上吧少年主题曲 《Ready to go 》中文版 ---RTA &American 4 左溢:月色如海星光起舞梦开遍满山崖 迫不及待长出了一片爱 寄给春暖花开 朱元冰:是谁在等待 赶快大摇大摆爱起来 自己主宰趁现在别发呆 左溢:微笑能把所有阴霾覆盖 合:谁能比我们更帅 爱是唯一的热带 Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go 谁能比我们更帅 爱是唯一的热带 Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go 徐浩:人山人海每双眼睛都是一抹水彩 每颗种子都有它的未来 许下洁白期待 朱元冰:是谁在等待 赶快大摇大摆爱起来 自己主宰趁现在别发呆 左溢:微笑能把所有阴霾覆盖 合:谁能比我们更帅 爱是唯一的热带 Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go 谁能比我们更帅 爱是唯一的热带 Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go 谁能比我们更帅 爱是唯一的热带 Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go 谁能比我们更帅 爱是唯一的热带 Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go Are you ready to go 左溢:谁能比我们更帅!