[00:00:00](拉丁语部分) [00:00:00]拉:Morituri te salutant [00:00:00]英:Those about to die salute you [00:09:00]拉:Vitale salutatis [00:09:00]英:the living wish you well [00:18:00]拉:Morituri te salutant [00:18:00]英:Those about to die salute you [00:27:00]拉:thesauri audacia [00:27:00]英:have courage [00:37:00]拉:creatura *res divina spero* 1 [00:37:00]英:servant of god have hope [00:48:00]拉:lux *vivescere lux* 2 [00:48:00]英:hope to live, hope [01:00:00]拉:prex perfidelis adhortari [01:00:00]英:pray very faithful soldier [01:10:00]拉:laureata [01:10:00]英:for victory today [01:20:00]拉:admonitu [01:20:00]英:by singing. [01:36:00](法语部分) [01:36:00]法:N'Ayez pas peur [01:36:00]英:Don't be afraid [01:38:00]法:De soufrir [01:38:00]英:Of suffering [01:41:00]法:Le futur [01:41:00]英:The future [01:42:00]法:Nous attend [01:42:00]英:Awaits us [01:45:00]法:Les soldats reviendront! [01:45:00]英:The soldiers will return! [01:50:00]法:Arriveront victorieux! [01:50:00]英:They will arrive victoriously! [01:57:00]法:Donnez tout pour l'honneur! [01:57:00]英:Give everything for honor! [02:00:00]We've all seen the tapes a hundred times-- You've seen nothing! Dissecting a dead Zerg in a lab is one thing; unleashing them on men is another! You must go into this with both eyes open. Once started, there is no going back. [stomps Stukov's cigar out] Are you prepared to go all the way with this, Alexei?