Guido....Guido..... (男声:Pronto.电话那边的男声听不清(╯﹏╰) I was lazing about my bedroom when you called and an ideal occurred to me I thought you might be... 你打来的时候我正赖在床上然后一阵思绪涌上心头 我想你也许.... wondering about...Guido 正在思考...Guido. Who's not wearing any clothes? I'm not, my darling. 是谁一丝不挂?是我,亲爱的。 Who's afraid to kiss your toes? I'm not, your mama blowing into your ear. 谁害怕亲吻你的脚趾?我不怕,你亲爱的妈妈我..在你耳边轻声细语 so you'll get it loud and clear. I need you to squeeze me, here and here,and here. 所以这样你就会听明白。我要你揉捏我,这里,还有这里,还有这里。 Cootchie cootchie cootchie coo 我的亲亲亲亲爱的 I've got a plan for what I'm gonna do to you. 我有一个计划都是关于我要对你做的事情。 So hot. You're gonna steam and scream, and vibrate like a string I'm plucking. 非常火辣。会让你飘飘欲仙,尖叫不已,像是被我撩拨的弦一般震动。 Kiss your fevered little brow. 亲吻你发烫的小额头。 Pinch your cheeks 'til you say "ow", 揉捏你的脸颊知道你喊“痛”。 And I can hardly wait to show you how. Guido! 而且我等不及来给你示范。Gui~~~do! Who won't care if come to me tired and overworked? I won't, bambino. 谁会在乎你来时是否精疲力尽,劳累过度?反正我不会,小宝贝。 Who knows the therapy to beat what you can get from me? 谁有办法从我的温柔乡里拯救你? I~~~~~~~~~don't !!! 反正我不知道! But this will have to enought for now. 但至少目前这已足够。 Gui~~~~~~↑ do! Ciao! 嗨~! I love you, Guido! 我爱你,Guido!