作曲 : Lexie Liu 作词 : Lexie Liu Like Mulan going to war war war war For my family I do more more more more 没人可以除了我我我我 勾勒江山挥笔墨墨墨墨 Like Mulan going to war war war war For my people I do more more more more 没人可以除了我我我我 刀枪在我手中握握握握 Just like Mulan I ain’t never swallow my own pride 从不装柔弱 除非带领的兵已败 I make my Kung-fu moves, get ya mortified 骑着战马with that whip yeah I am born to ride yeah I'm born to die 我不可辜负的使命 Born to fight 走遍东西南北带着自信 永远不让须眉不管规则是谁制定 Everyday 我潜心修炼吟诵着诗经 烽火连天般灿烂花季 低下头以念画地 我万里赴戎机的侠义 都化作这一瞬间下笔 女子亦有深明大义 谋如媚娘面如妲己 宠辱不惊 不闻窗外事 路遥便知马力 Like Mulan going to war war war war For my family I do more more more more 没人可以除了我我我我 勾勒江山挥笔墨墨墨墨 Like Mulan going to war war war war For my people I do more more more more 没人可以除了我我我我 刀枪在我手中握握握握 春闺梦里 无人问津 孤城落日斗兵稀 恨别家万里 双眼迷离 羌笛胡琴碎铁衣 No guns and bullets still gonna shoot 十八般兵器to the fullest I’mma prove 唧唧复唧唧当户便停机杼 泪湿金甲看尽灵旗征战处 Like Mulan going to war war war war For my family I do more more more more 没人可以除了我我我我 勾勒江山挥笔墨墨墨墨 Like Mulan going to war war war war For my people I do more more more more 没人可以除了我我我我 刀枪在我手中握握握握 男子可为之事未必女子不可为 棋逢对手太嚣张做巾帼不后退 孤身披甲赴沙场露獠牙嗅蔷薇 血肉横飞平常眼前一片黑白灰 Stepping over dead bodies how she made it Say less just did it proving we the greatest Loyalty inside of me I ain't gonna trade it 叩云鬓的金簪细 日暮曲终挥别