[00:00.86]吾爱吾师 [00:10.58]歌迷:翟中刚 [00:13.79] [00:18.39]长者吾师, [00:21.45]他一心一意中, [00:28.46]有万有文库。 [00:34.43]讲起书来, [00:37.74]征引繁复妙语如珠, [00:41.20]能解上下数千年, [00:46.19]也能够诠义纵横千万里。 [00:50.77]琢磨我们一颗颗璞玉, [00:57.47]就像珍珠拭去尘埃, [01:01.18]待我们犹如手足情深, [01:04.14]使我们心上闪出永恒光芒, [01:08.55]可敬的吾师啊…… [01:18.90] [01:22.21]Those schoolgirl days [01:26.69]of telling tales and biting nails are gone. [01:32.93]But in my mind, [01:37.13]I know that it will still be on and on. [01:40.35]But how do you take someone [01:50.33]who has taken you from crayons to perfume. [01:54.28]It isn't easy but I'll try …… [01:58.80]If you wanted the sky and I would write it across the sky in letters, [02:02.12]that would soar a thousand feet high. [02:08.96]To Sir, with love.