Stephen said to get you a gnome trap So it could defend your lawn Lauren said it would be really cool to use Your lyrics in a song Adriana said sea monkeys Or maybe a chainsaw Whit thought it’d be really cool to Give you a pig in a jar A life sized voodoo doll And a bald cat for licking All my friends made a list Told me you’d want these gifts CHORUS: It’s Christmas what should I buy you It’s Christmas what will I get you I asked all of my messed-up friends They gave me the best suggestions Oh yeah Schwann said to get a giraffe named peanut Jon said a bass and a strap Chris said to get 12 monkeys as santa Doing the monster mash Susan said a chocolate pudding pedicure Or maybe a brain transplant Thom suggested body paint and some whipped cream Is that too much to ask A bottle of whiskey Or some wasabi dried peas All my friends made a list Told me you’d want these gifts CHORUS REPEAT TWICE Who am I kidding What do they know I should just wrap myself up in a big red bow A ninja bunny hat A picture signed by Joan Jett All my friends made a list Told me you’d want these gifts CHORUS REPEAT