[00:05.350]Then came the dark night of the souls. [00:10.010]A mystery veiled in secrets. [00:28.770]Every strike of the moon was followed [00:35.980]By suffering in every sense of the word. [00:58.590]On the seventh month of the year [01:03.130]The sun turned away. [01:07.500]Then came forth - [01:13.460] a world forcing every man to run away from [01:20.420]All but honour. [01:29.030]A chapter of [01:31.290]His memory was about to [01:34.350]Be written in blood. [01:46.170]Corrupted minds lead to moral abuse - [01:50.510] a people were lost. [02:03.840]Though there were stars all over, [02:13.640]None could be sighted. [02:16.650]It existed in the shadows. [02:18.950]It worked alone and through every being. [02:26.540]Death was no option - still many fell. [03:08.240]A rage grew within. [03:11.690]Riots swallowed every sense. [03:15.520]Women giving birth to the spawn of their sons........ [03:22.440]Men drowning in the blood of their fathers....... [03:28.400]Children feeding upon children with a blaze in their eyes. [03:36.030]Hearts transformed to salt, [03:42.920]burned its way through the flesh and disappeared. [03:54.260]Being the company of beauty. [04:38.900]No one knew what was coming. [04:43.180]Revelations passed through the land, [04:52.470]But no man seeked the answers [04:59.500]Since all were dying to breath [05:09.070]The air of the soulblight