作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I   虽奔波劳累 喘不过气 但我..   Oh, I, I got stamina   但我仍容光焕发   Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes   虽狂奔不止 但我闭上双眼   Well, oh, I got stamina   纵情享受活力迸发   And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb   远处虽有更高的山峰等待着我   But I, I got stamina   但我仍活力不减 And uh-oh, I need another love to be mine   我需一份归属于我的爱   Cause I, I got stamina   因为活力无限   Don't give up; I won't give up   绝不放弃 绝不放弃   Don't give up, no no no   绝不放弃   Don't give up; I won't give up   绝不放弃 绝不放弃   Don't give up, no no no   绝不放弃   I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive   我纵情铸就最伟大的自我 我仍不卑不亢存活于世   I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest   今夜我纵情铸就最伟大的自我   The greatest, the greatest alive   存活于世 成就奇伟   The greatest, the greatest alive   存活于世 成就奇伟   Well, uh-oh, running out of breath, but I   虽奔波劳累 喘不过气 但我..   Oh, I, I got stamina   但我仍容光焕发   Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes   虽狂奔不止 但我闭上双眼   But, oh, I got stamina   纵情享受活力迸发   And oh yeah, running to the waves below   虽穿梭在层层波浪之中   But I, I got stamina   但我仍载着活力启航   And oh yeah, I'm running and I'm just enough   虽狂奔不止 至于千里   And uh-oh, I got stamina   但我仍活力永葆   Don't give up; I won't give up   绝不放弃 绝不放弃   Don't give up, no no no   绝不放弃   Don't give up; I won't give up   绝不放弃 绝不放弃   Don't give up, no no no   绝不放弃   I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive   我纵情铸就最伟大的自我 我仍不卑不亢存活于世   I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest   今夜我纵情铸就最伟大的自我   The greatest, the greatest alive   存活于世 成就奇伟   The greatest, the greatest alive   存活于世 成就奇伟   Oh-oh, I got stamina   我仍充满活力   Oh-oh, I got stamina   我仍充满活力   Oh-oh, I got stamina   我仍充满活力   Oh-oh, I got stamina   我仍充满活力