Listen to the silence   倾听这寂静   Hear your blood running   聆听你血液的流动   Search for the truth   寻找那真理   Hear the silence   聆听这寂静   Memories that made you mad   使你癫狂的正是记忆   Hear, oh hear inside the fear   听,听那内心的恐惧   How different   如此的不同   Is this burning   它在燃烧吗?   Giving everything   给予每一件东西   And not finding back   不再试图找回   Make it end   了结它   Don’t force you to suffer any more   不再被迫受任何痛苦   No more empty promises   再没有空洞的诺言   You go to find the truth for yourself   你去为自己找寻真理   And accept it!   并接受它!   Make it end   了结它   No more degrading excuses   再没有可耻的借口   You got to -   你去——   Rise your weak wings   扇动你那柔弱的翅膀   If only for a day   哪怕只有一天   I’ve watched your purple blood running   我已看到你那紫色的血液在流淌   Tasted the bitter taste of dying ambitions   品尝垂死的雄心那苦涩的滋味   Seen the shadows in your eyes   看到你眼中的影子   How could you - loose the emotion   Of being alive?   你怎能——失掉对生命的感情   Without hesitation   不要再犹豫   You stopped existing   Against your own will   不要再与自己的意志作对   Exit and escape   离开,逃走   Gather the separated parts   集起那破碎的残片   Solve the puzzle and survive   解开那疑团并活下来   Trust in yourself   相信你自己   You may also be weak -   你或许也很憔悴——   Shattered emotions   破碎的情感   When you watch behind the masks   当你看到那面具的背后   No wasted words for the trusted ones   对所信赖的人再不浪费言语   When they’d all let you down   当他们都想让你倒下时