作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 You tell me you love me 你口口声声说着爱你 But I ain't been feeling it lately 可最近我愈加感受不到这份爱意 You say you love keeping me fly but 你说你的爱让我貌合神离 Can't keep me from looking' so crazy 可不能使我脱离这份疯癫的神情 Come in at 6 in the mornin' 清晨六点悄然来临 Where you been, where you been 你在哪里,杳无踪迹 Who is that texting your phone 问你在和谁传讯息 Just a friend, just a friend (okay) 你满口搪塞,说朋友而已 My intuition never lies 可女人的直觉从不出错 There's nothing you can ever hide 你什么也无法对我隐匿 Already got the screenshots 我已经截屏留下了证据 So there is no need to deny 你的否认也变得苍白无路 You been creepin' and freakin' and sneakin' 你在哪的谎言里摸爬滚打,小心翼翼,做贼心虚 Like you'll never lose me 假装我们没有问题 Steady claiming that everyone know we together 不变的以为所有人都知道我们依旧在一起 But you steady choosing 不变的安守于从前 Swear I cannot win for losing 我发誓我不会为了这份感情的对错争个头破血流 I been out here being faithful 我依旧在这里,如一不变 I always got this on lockdown 我总是锁上所有的心绪 But that ain't been keeping us stable 可这一切都不能让我们一往如前,坚固无比 So I guess I know what I gotta do 所以我猜想我也知道我该做些什么 Give you a taste of your own medicine (hey, yeah) 让你尝尝自己种下的恶果 How would you like it if I do the things you do 我若以你之道还你之身,你会有怎样的感受 Put you on do not disturb and entertain these dudes 让你感受我的不安,被人玩弄于鼓掌的恼怒 I'ma ride him crazy and you'll never have a clue 我会和我的新欢疯狂泄欲,而这一切都不再和你有关系 Give another guy everything that belongs to you 把曾属于你的一切,转交给另一个男人 I'ma call up Brian, I'ma FaceTime Ryan 我会和布莱恩约会,和瑞恩视频 I'ma text Lorenzo, I'ma leave you cryin' 给特伦佐传讯息,留下你一人伤心哭泣 Don't get it twisted I can play this game too 不必多想,你的游戏我也能轻车熟路 How would you like it if I did the same to you (same to you) 我若以你之道还你之身,你会有怎样的感受(让你自自食其果)