2、赫尔韦氏族 战无不胜, 膂力强健, 活力无限、勇敢善战, 满腹信心。 赋予生命的疾风从冥界呼啸而来, 星火随之化为一片火海—— 那是强者的灵感之源。 凭借苏克鲁斯战锤的威力、 奥赫米欧斯棍棒的无情击打, 和布理克它不可顽抗的神示—— 一支部族崛起了, 一支部族前行了。 只因我们生来便拥有自由; 只因我们生来便狂放不羁; 只因我们桀骜不驯、无所畏惧; 只因我们是火焰一丛(勇武); 因为我们是波涛一澜(坚强); 因为我们是磐石一块(部族); 我们万众合一,我们是赫尔韦氏族。 双耳被缚在神圣之舌上的人们 跟随古代智者的脚步, 嘲讽声响彻死者之国。 从生命之杯中啜饮 那不曾干涸的泉源, 茫然间,我们步入正午的光辉。 塔兰尼斯的车轮再次滚动, 将苍生托举,离开冥府。 凭借苏克鲁斯战锤的威力、 奥赫米欧斯棍棒的无情击打, 和布理克它不可顽抗的神示—— 2. Helvetios Bodiacos Sunartiu Segos brigos Anauos (英译文:Victorious By the good-force Vigorous, mighty Spirited) From antumnos the life-giving winds Fanned the flames into a blaze The awen of the mighty By the force of sucellus sledge By every impact of ogmios club With bricta's invincible epiphany A tribe arose A tribe broke forth Cause we're born free Cause we're born wild Cause we are indomitable and bold Cause we are fire (brave) Cause we are wave (strong) Cause we are rock (tribe) We are one - we are helvetios The ears tethered to the divine tongue Following the ancient wise As laughter fills antumnos Drinking from the cup of life The well that's never running dry We wandered into the light of day Again taranis enthean wheel revolved From antumnos life was upheaved By the force of succellus sledge By every impact of ogmios' club With bricta's invincible epiphany