5. Faerytale (一个传说) suddently the silence falls 静寂转眼破灭间 i no longer hear your call 莲音妙语久不现 the echo of your evil song 魔音魅曲绕柱梁 is still rattling around my head 眉间心上时思念 i see the wrinkles in my hands 掌纹盘曲系华年 and my hair is now so long ... 愁丝三千不堪剪... you lulled me with your lullaby 卿有魔音伴入眠 sleept for years with me by your side 共眠百年枕畔仙 breathing your pure-water 湖水清涤同仰息 you grew old in just one night 梦醒翻作烂柯人 the path i walked there's no more 故园小径已无痕 and now i wander for my home 何处是我陋居门 when i find it on the door 家门洞开窥内室 an old woman is the girl 昔日少女今老妪 the girl i loved just yesterday 昨日吾爱 今已白首 the girl i loved just yesterday 庄周蝴蝶 沧海桑田 you lulled me with your lullaby 卿有魔音伴入眠 sleept for years with me by your side 共眠百年枕畔仙 breathing your pure-water 湖水清涤同仰息 you grew old in just one night 梦醒翻作烂柯人