1. Asrai (小贴士:Asrai是英语文化中的一种精灵,类似于人鱼,塞壬,德国的nix,苏格兰的海豹人,威尔士的 morgen之类的存在,2到4英尺高,身躯柔软轻盈,指间有蹼,长相如同年轻女子,虽有孩子的容貌实际却 已超过百岁。 Asrial害怕阳光和人类,由于它们惊人的美貌,人类会被诱惑以至于无法克制捕捉它们的欲望,而哪怕只 是一丝的阳光都会使Asrai化作一滩清水,但据说它们喜欢沐浴在月光之下。 传说一个渔民捉住了一只Asrai后,触碰到它的皮肤,发现其冰凉无比,而在Asrai哀求渔民将它放生时, 它触摸过的肌肤也变得冰冷,再也没有温度——来自英语维基) i saw you walking by the sea-side 我望见你漫步在海边 with your pale skin sparkling' 苍白色肌肤泛着光芒 as bright as the moonshine 宛如月色明耀 as bright as the moonshine 宛如月色明耀 she slowly held out her hand to me 她缓缓向我伸出手来 - don't be afraid, my name is aileen, “不要害怕 我的名字是Aileen” please just dance with me in the waves of the sea 请与我在海波之上 共舞一曲 please just dance with me in the waves of the sea 请与我在海浪之间 共舞一曲 we danced as lovers in the dephts of the sea 我们犹如爱人一般在海的深渊共舞 i'll take you - she told me - in my alcove - “我会领你”——她这样对我说——“去我的幽居” i let myself go in her softly embrace 于是我任由自己陷入她柔软的臂弯 and loved her among corals and starfishes 在珊瑚海星环绕之中 爱着她 the sea-breeze awoke me on the strand 风浪响起 将我唤醒 身处海滨 and near me were some words on the sand 沙地上有她留下的话语 - remember my love, my name is aileen, 勿忘吾爱——Alieen goodbye my love my name is aileen 永别吾爱——Alieen