Love Seasons -Zoom Delicate and red as a flower blooming in A winter snow We search for shelter in a storm That continues to grow Human nature is known to be unpredictable Together we'll rise like the sun But we set so unreachable Like spring summer fall and winter Our loves begun to change Like spring summer fall and winter And winter Love never stays the same Oh what happened to our love So warm and tender Or like A winter storm your warm heart Has changed Ah ah ah ah ah You know good things never come easy Especially love Because one mates action Causes the others reaction I think the solution to our problem is To let our differences fall by the way side Like Watching leaves Like spring summer fall and winter And winter Our loves begun to change Oh wo oh oh oh Like spring summer fall and winter Love never stays the same Same no more We deserve a purple heart For our crazy fights We deserve a noble prize For the love we make at night You can rest assure love is going Through this too But how could I ever let you go When my very life is you Darling dear Love is full of pride and shame And it's give and take it there Are we both to blame Ah ah ah ah ah Nothing in life remains the same We must change with the changes Like spring summer fall and winter Our loves begun to change Like spring summer Like spring summer fall and winter Oh wo oh oh Love never stays the same Like spring summer fall and winter Our loves begun to change Like spring summer fall and winter Love never stays the same Let's go together Because love is of the strength To endure any weather yeah eh eh eh Spring is love and it's thought Happiness is in the air Summer is love at it's peak Why without a care All this love maturing Reviewing what's been done and said Winter is loves coldest test But spring lies just ahead Like spring summer fall and winter Our loves begun to change Like spring summer fall Like spring summer fall and winter Winter Love never stays the same