Profound tears -never believe me I am not - your abandoned angel By the power of spiritual weepings and nightmares The monumental icons of past and reptiles I AM THIS PAIN, THAT HURTS WHEN YOU ENTANG LED RESPIR E DISENCHA NTMENT, AS WITH MY BL OODY HAND MY LOVE I PRETEND Fulgent eyes - a glace at snow Meltdown - of wings and crowns Flatters enshrined by the essence of demon Neither heaven nor hell could bestow thus love I AM THIS PAIN, THAT HURTS WHEN YOU ENTANG LED RESPIR E DISENCHA NTMENT, AS WITH MY BL OODY HAND MY LOVE I PRETEND CO ME BACK BE ND OVER FO R ME The decided love Before we die, a serum of hate fades trough an astral God...