[00:10.67]Check one, two MC Jin [00:15.29] [00:17.38]Hip Hop已經升到去新嘅地步 [00:19.91]做得好好睇睇 係我嘅任務 [00:22.60]暫時我仲未需要出絕招 [00:25.31]出發之前一定要對一對錶 [00:28.00]已經揀咗呢條路混入咗樂壇 [00:30.40]要做就做全套 唔好嘥時間 [00:32.89]點都要堅持就算有困難 [00:35.47]唔可以無所事事游手好閒 [00:38.25]我會咁講一啲都唔奇怪 [00:40.76]Rap咗十幾年都仲係呢個心態 [00:43.46]唔爭取時間我冇咁蠢 [00:45.86]2010新世代閃出新錶準 [00:48.29] [00:48.76]Listen up close ; these ain't just rhymes, [00:51.36]I'm here to let you know what's on my mind [00:53.94]Let the clock tick, I'll be just find [00:56.39]I just checked my watch it's about that time [00:58.81]Come on. That's right it's about that time [01:02.18]Say what, it's about that time [01:04.61]Once again, it's about that time [01:06.83]Just in case you don't know, it's about that time [01:09.43] [01:09.76]佢問你對自己有啲乜嘢要求 [01:11.97]又有乜嘢夢想 依家係時候 [01:14.61]開始行動將佢變成現實 [01:17.14](咁幾時開始呀?) 不如就今日 [01:20.38]眨嚇眼好快又生日 16變18 18變21 [01:24.97]時間真係好寶貴 所以一秒都唔可以浪費 [01:30.41]有人話遲到好過無到 我寧願早到好過俾人投訴 [01:35.62]你話遲到好過無到 始終都係越準時越好 [01:40.50] [01:40.80]Listen up close ; these ain't just rhymes, [01:43.51]I'm here to let you know what's on my mind [01:46.04]Let the clock tick, I'll be just find [01:48.57]I just checked my watch it's about that time [01:50.97]Come on. That's right it's about that time [01:53.80]Say what, it's about that time [01:56.64]Once again, it's about that time [01:59.00]Just in case you don't know, it's about that time [02:01.76] [02:02.09]Time is of the essence, that's a simple fact [02:04.40]Every second gone, there's no way to get it back [02:06.90]So I choose to make the most of every moment [02:09.63]Count it, take it, use it, live it, own it [02:12.02]Where does the time go, as the hour pass [02:14.82]Let my thoughts flow like sand through the hourglass [02:17.50]Life can change in a span of a minute man [02:20.19]So I stay on the move like the minute hand [02:22.96]Some like to say better late than never [02:25.11]True indeed but of course the earlier the better [02:27.58]You might think, is better late than never [02:30.32]Just remember this, time won't wait forever [02:32.89] [02:33.30]Listen up close ; these ain't just rhymes, [02:35.61]I'm here to let you know what's on my mind [02:38.16]Let the clock tick, I'll be just find [02:40.69]I just checked my watch it's about that time [02:43.23]Come on. That's right it's about that time [02:45.99]Say what, it's about that time [02:48.83]Once again, it's about that time [02:51.10]Just in case you don't know, it's about that time [02:54.10]It's about that time, it's about that time [03:00.21]It's about that time [03:01.56]Just in case you don't know, it's about that time [03:09.43] [03:13.31]It's about that time [03:15.23]