i peered through windows, watched life go by. dreamed of tomorrow, but stayed inside. the past was holding me, keeping life at bay. i wandered lost in yesterday, wanting to fly, but scared to try. then someone like you, found someone like me, and suddenly nothing is the same. my heart's taken wing, and i feel so alive, 'cause someone like you found me it's like you took my dreams, made each one real, you reached inside of me, and made me feel, and now i see a world, i've never seen before. you're love has opened every door. you've set me free, now i can soar for someone like you, found someone like me, you touched my heart, nothing is the same. there's a new way to live, a new way to love, 'cause someone like you found me oh, someone like you, found someone like me, and suddenly nothing is the same. my heart's taken wing, and i feel so alive, 'cause someone like you loves me, loves me