There was a lady in the north You scarce would find her marrow She was courted by nine gentlemen And a plooboy lad fae Yarrow Well, nine sat drinking at the wine As oft they'd done afore O And they made a vow amang themselves Tae fight for her on Yarrow And so he's come ower yon high, high hill And doon by the den sae narrow And there he spied nine armed men Come tae fight wi' him on Yarrow He says, "There's nine o' you and but one o' me It's an unequal marrow" But I'll fight ye a' noo one by one On the Dowie Dens o' Yarrow So it's three he slew and three withdrew An' three he wounded sairly 'Til her brother, he came in beyond And he wounded him maist foully "Gae hame, gae hame, ye fause young man And bring yer sister sorrow For her ain true love lies pale and wan On the Dowie Dens o' Yarrow” "Oh mither, I hae dreamed a dream A dream o' doul and sorrow I dreamed I was pu'ing the heathery bells On the Dowie Dens o' Yarrow" "Oh daughter dear, I ken yer dream And I doobt it will bring sorrow For yer ain true love lies pale and wan On the Dowie Dens o' Yarrow" An' so she's run ower yon high, high hill An' doon by the den sae narrow And it's there she spied her dear lover John Lyin' pale and deid on Yarrow And so she's washed his face an' she's kaimed his hair As aft she'd done afore O And she's wrapped it 'roond her middle sae sma' And she's carried him hame tae Yarrow "Oh haud yer tongue, my daughter dear What need for a' this sorrow? I'll wed ye tae a far better man Than the one who's slain on Yarrow" "Oh faither, ye hae seven sons And ye may wed them a' the morrow But the fairest floo'er amang them a' Was the plooboy lad fae Yarrow” "Oh mother, mother mak my bed And mak it saft and narrow For my love died for me this day And I'll die for him tomorrow"