Palene: Mountains and ravines: Scyllaeum was a desolate place. We were in despair. All except Spartacus. He had a plan for our escape. Far below in the port, were anchored the ships of the Cilician pirates. Spartacus and I climbed down the cliffs to meet their leader, Isoricus. As we entered his tent we saw a handsome, olive-skinned man, lying on rich, embroidered cushions, while a beautiful slave-girl combed his long black hair and another brought him a silver goblet of sherbet. Isoricus greeted us like a courteous king. Isoricus: There you stand before me, And you're slightly at a loss, Now you know the seas are stormy, And only I can get across, You come to me to see if I can pull you through, It can't be easy for a man like you, To be in this situation, I'd love to help you with a noble deed, Deliver you in your hour of need, To your final destination, I try to do the best that I can, Oh I try and I try, 'Cos I've always been a man you can count on. So, trust me, And I won't let you down, 'Cos my word is a by-word for honesty, So trust me, I won't let you down, I'll get you where you want to go, oh! That's the way it must be, 'Cos there isn't any doubt, That I can get you out, Yes I'm a man of honour, So I guess you're gonna have to, Trust me. Call me sentimental, I'm prepared to take a chance, Just to cover incidentals, I need a little in advance, You know I'd love to give you my assistance free, But it's not easy for a man like me, With a business to take care of, The cost of living only seems to rise, But the cost of dying is what I advise, You'd be wise to be aware of, I try to do the best that I can, Oh I try and I try, 'Cos you know that I'm a man of compassion. So, trust me, And I won't let you down, 'Cos my word is a by-word for honesty, So trust me, I won't let you down, I'll get you where you want to go, oh! That's the way it must be, 'Cos there isn't any doubt, That I can get you out, Yes I'm a man of honour, So I guess you're gonna have to, Trust me. As I watch you walk away, You wear an air of satisfaction, 'round here you're just a sideshow, I'm the main attraction, My word is a by-word, For something that's for sure, But honesty's a quality, That I'm not famous for, I mean what did you expect? I'm a pirate for god's sake! You've put your faith in me, And it's the last mistake you'll make, Trust me, trust me. I hear that on your travels, You've amassed yourself some treasure, To take it off your hands, Will be an honour and a pleasure, But don't be too depressed, That you've been cheated, robbed and lied to, In desperate situations, Men believe what they decide to, And when I double cross you, It's not because I hate you, It's really nothing personal, It's simply in my nature, Trust me. You made a wise decision, your future's set This is one agreement you will not forget, In a hurry I assure you, We've made a deal and I guarantee, You'll have a good reason to remember me, In the days that lie before you, I try to do the best that I can, Oh I try and I try, 'Cos I've always been a man to rely on. So, trust me, And I won't let you down, 'Cos my word is a by-word for honesty, So trust me, I won't let you down, I'll get you where you want to go, oh! That's the way it must be, 'Cos there isn't any doubt, That I can get you out, Yes I'm a man of honour, So I guess you're gonna have to, Trust me. Palene: Isoricus demanded everything we had captured from the Romans in return for his help. The price was heavy but our hearts were light as we left the pirate's tent.